
I've decided that rather leave everyone in the dark on the progress of writing, I will post periodical updates to let everyone know how it is going.
          	So far, chapters one through five have been completed of the Philosopher's Stone.
          	If I had to have a guess, release could begin anywhere from mid to late November. However, as I am almost always wrong in any estimation I make, this could easily change.


@AuthorFromMars Looking forward to it!


I've decided that rather leave everyone in the dark on the progress of writing, I will post periodical updates to let everyone know how it is going.
          So far, chapters one through five have been completed of the Philosopher's Stone.
          If I had to have a guess, release could begin anywhere from mid to late November. However, as I am almost always wrong in any estimation I make, this could easily change.


@AuthorFromMars Looking forward to it!


Hello everyone.
          It's been a long year and a half, hasn't it? I will be honest, time kind of just - slipped away from me. Writing has always been my way of distracting myself, of putting myself into another world and letting it take me away. Towards the end of Rise and Fall, that stopped working.
          And hence my disappearance.
          I cannot say that I am better now. Rather the contrary. The reason I am making this announcement is due to the steadily dying flame of this community. 
          We can't just let this die, can we?
          And so I was motivated, more than ever, to return. I sat at my desk, opened up Rise and Fall and prepared to finish what I started. . .
          Only to realise that upon re-reading Rise and Fall, I had changed so, so much over this long hiatus, and that this simply would not work. I would not be able to maintain Y/N's personality and character development, simply because rather than growing up with him, I've grown up without him.
          That, and because I don't remember the plot of the book.
          "So, what to do?" I asked myself. I couldn't just not do anything, could I? I was so motivated, so eager to get back to work.
          And after careful consideration, I had my answer.
          I will do this again. Different plot, different everything. 
          And this time, I'm prepared. I will write each book in entirety before publishing it, one chapter a week, simply to alleviate stress from myself.
          So, I say to you all. . .
          Let's try this again, shall we?
          PS: This will be very, very dark :)


@AuthorFromMars if your interested, in my idea book there my hp idea you could gain some ideas from, I'm still fine tuning it tho & let me know your thoughts of the idea that I never will write


@AuthorFromMars So the MC will be using the Dark Arts?


          One hundred followers. You're kidding. I did not expect to be writing one of these so soon, but here I am. When I first started writing on Wattpad, which would be two going on three years now (my god does time fly), I dreamed of achieving a hundred followers, but never did I actually think I would make it. I remember sitting at my laptop grinning at such a ludicrous idea, but now as I send this to all of you I realize just how lucky I've been. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me through my highs and lows over the past few years, and I especially want to thank you all for providing such an incredible experience for me as I continue to write my story. Seeing the number '100' on my screen has literally made my day, you guys are so awesome. Thanks again everyone, and happy reading!


@AuthorFromMars so mate not to rush you but when are you going to update


@BlazeFire4566 Thanks mate, I appreciate this so so much.


@AuthorFromMars honestly I found your story just yesterday, and couldn’t stop reading until I finished it. Truly an engaging read, you should be proud


So recently I've been watching some Harry Potter fan videos on Youtube, and it gave me an idea. I've always loved the Harry Potter intros, so I've decided to make my own. They will only be on the chapters that indicate a new book has begun, so don't stress if you think I'm going to insert it into every chapter like a tv series, that is not what I'm going for. I just like the idea of having my own editions of the Harry Potter movie intros. Don't expect them to be all that great, they're just going to be there for my satisfaction.
          Let me know what you guys think.


@MrTubbyguts I just looked at it then, it's awesome!


@AuthorFromMars yeah if you saw year 1 i made the poster for the first book


Merry Christmas, everyone! 
          I know some of you may not be celebrating Christmas until tomorrow (I live in Australia), but either way, I would just like to thank you all for such a wonderful year! I know I haven't been consistent in updating, but I really do appreciate you all sticking with me. So, as a Christmas present to you all, I would like to present the next chapter for Rise and Fall. Thanks again everyone, and, once again, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!


@MrTubbyguts Wow, well I hope their Honeymoon is brilliant, Australia has some really beautiful places, so I hope they love it :)


@AuthorFromMars there looking forward to it its also their Honeymoon they never had. My dad's cousin lives there and is going to show them some great places.


@MrTubbyguts Are they really? Wow, well, I hope they enjoy themselves!


Hey everyone, apologies for the huge delay in updates. I've had little to no time to write for the past few months as school had been running us into the ground approaching the end of the year. However, school is over (thank god) and the past two weeks I've had off have had me writing the next chapter. Expect it soon, and expect some more consistent updates over these holidays.


Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I've opted for a name change (for Alone). It's been bugging me for a while, and I think that this one will resonate with the plot later on a lot more than "Alone". Let me know what you guys think.


I dig it 