Hello everyone.
It's been a long year and a half, hasn't it? I will be honest, time kind of just - slipped away from me. Writing has always been my way of distracting myself, of putting myself into another world and letting it take me away. Towards the end of Rise and Fall, that stopped working.
And hence my disappearance.
I cannot say that I am better now. Rather the contrary. The reason I am making this announcement is due to the steadily dying flame of this community.
We can't just let this die, can we?
And so I was motivated, more than ever, to return. I sat at my desk, opened up Rise and Fall and prepared to finish what I started. . .
Only to realise that upon re-reading Rise and Fall, I had changed so, so much over this long hiatus, and that this simply would not work. I would not be able to maintain Y/N's personality and character development, simply because rather than growing up with him, I've grown up without him.
That, and because I don't remember the plot of the book.
"So, what to do?" I asked myself. I couldn't just not do anything, could I? I was so motivated, so eager to get back to work.
And after careful consideration, I had my answer.
I will do this again. Different plot, different everything.
And this time, I'm prepared. I will write each book in entirety before publishing it, one chapter a week, simply to alleviate stress from myself.
So, I say to you all. . .
Let's try this again, shall we?
PS: This will be very, very dark :)