
Hi there! If you're interested . Would you mind checking my on going story entitled "failed mission". I'm not a good writer but I'm trying too. I hope you'll like my story. And I hope that you'll support my story and I'll support yours tooo. Thanks in advance


@rxse_qvartz sure I'll support your up coming story


Cool! Thank you for adding my story entitled "The Devils King" in your reading lists. I really appreciate that! Just let me know if you enjoy it once you read it. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to recommend my other stories to you like "The Lucian Prince" or "The Wolverian Prince & Me" that has some connection with the story you recently added. I also have individual stories that may satisfy your humble taste. Just visit my profile @RhettVaughn to look it for yourself. That's all, I don't want to take your precious time. God bless and Mabuhay! :D