Dear Reader of this page,
Well first of all congratulations on somehow managing to stumble across my page you must be the adventures type! Now as you can see the main reason why I don't have many visitors to this page is due to the lack of work on this said page, but wait don't leave yet I still have so much to tell you which is firstly that I shall be uploading a story sometime this year....Probably.....Hopefully.
Anyway I can imagine you sat thinking to yourself well this is all very well that I'm uploading a story but I am yet to tell you anything about myself for all you know my idea of a good story could involve gaping plot holes and typo's, fortunately it isn't (Though if that is your idea of a good story then I'm sorry my page has nothing to offer you now or in the future!) Well here is some titbits of information about myself, my favourite colour is purpler or red depending, I enjoy cake and believe it is a part of a balance diet and I also like using words such as titbit.
Now I understand you probably don't really care that much about me as a person really I wouldn't if I was you so let me tell you about the stories I would like to upload, these stories will a majority of the time be fantasy mostly because I enjoy creating new worlds and partly because I haven't really travelled much so it's easier to create new worlds than risk the chance of offending a country in this one! Although I will I will also maybe jump onto the fanfiction bandwagon though fangirling about what only time will tell.
I now leave you on these words if you like what I have written here, you will most likely like my work if you didn't, well it's up to you but if you press the little fan button I will hopefully upload books you will greatly enjoy reading. Yours sincerely,
Badass Name
  • Gallifrey
  • Üye olduJune 21, 2012

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Son Mesaj
BadassName BadassName Aug 19, 2012 10:17AM
@RiverSwensen Why thank you! Your bro fist is appreciated! 
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