Hello hello!!
Long time!! but I have been reading all your messages and watching people adding 'Maadhavi' to their reading list; it elates my heart to see people finding the story good enough to be added to reading lists.
Ok, now coming to the reasons why I stopped updating the chapters .
There are basically two:
A- I am a 9-5 girlie and busy on weekdays , left with weekends , I wish to spend that time outside with people. So, sitting and writing becomes a secondary thing for me which often gets pushed down my priority.
B - This is the major reason btw, I have not been liking my own story. I couldn't figure which direction I want the characters to head towards. So, I tried to write, rewrite and rethink.
Ultimately I decided to take a break and first figure out the whole outline of the story and once I am satisfied that this is going to be my story then only I'll be back. But I have been having this urge to share my thoughts with you all. Thanks for all your support and sweet messages (grateful) .
I am working on rewriting this story, the character names might be same but the plot might change. Rest assured it will be a Historical Fiction romance.
Until next time !!