
lmaoooo ok i just added to my snowbaz story after 2+ yrs and in the time since i posted that:
          	- I've entered and ended two seperate relationships
          	- switched schools twice
          	- failed three classes
          	- had my first kiss
          	- Gotten completley tarined in stage managing + tech and am now head stage manager for the theatre group at my school (I had done literally nothing related to any of those things at the time)
          	- come out to my family
          	- become best friends with my enemy at the time, and no longer talk to my best friend at the time
          	- changed my pronouns and name
          	- bro i looked it up, Obama was still technically president when i posted the first three (tr*mp had been elected but not inaugurated)


lmaoooo ok i just added to my snowbaz story after 2+ yrs and in the time since i posted that:
          - I've entered and ended two seperate relationships
          - switched schools twice
          - failed three classes
          - had my first kiss
          - Gotten completley tarined in stage managing + tech and am now head stage manager for the theatre group at my school (I had done literally nothing related to any of those things at the time)
          - come out to my family
          - become best friends with my enemy at the time, and no longer talk to my best friend at the time
          - changed my pronouns and name
          - bro i looked it up, Obama was still technically president when i posted the first three (tr*mp had been elected but not inaugurated)


this message may be offensive
hey there so basically its no fucking surprise if you pay any kind of attention that ive been MIA for literally ever and keep making empty promises so here's the situation with that.
          the reason ive been away is actually two reasons that are kinda related. the first is that school has been kicking my ass and ive had a shit ton of hw, and ive made some friends that are genuinely emotionally supportive so i tend to de-stress by hanging out with them instead of by writing. the second reason is that i've been really unmotivated (which is probably related to the fact that its practically winter and winter really fucks with me emotionally) so ive been using what energy i DO have on schoolwork. 
          there was some kind of technological mishap with my drive so those requests that i wrote and forgot to post were gone when i went to go post them just now, so ill re-write them if i get the chance but dont expect that anytime soon.
          however, i have been slowly writing a klance songfic for  like two months (Thats a good refrence to how unmotivated i am lol, a few months ago i was writing 4k words on my original material in a week and now its taken me two months to write somthing that isnt even 2k) and i only have a tiny bit left so i should be finished that soon. (the song is someone you like by the girl and the dreamcatcher btw)
          i also may post some of my original material. i have three main stories that im working on and im not sure what i want to share yet esp bc i have zero semblance of an attention span and dont want to post somehting and stop caring halfway through.
          I love y'all, i'm sorry im shit at this, and i hope u have a stellar day.


so i know i have like three followers an there's a good chance no one will see this, but i just wanted to say that i swear i'm not dead. i haven't been able to write that much lately, and I've frankly been a little bit uninspired. but i just wanted to let y'all know that i have a Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda (A.K.A the book behind the movie Love, Simon) one shot written that is going to continue as a collection of one shots. my second announcement is that the one shot i just mentioned, as well as some other things i have planned for the future, are smut. I actually used to write smut but stopped as a girl from school found it & threatened to expose me. when i was writing smut, i found it alot eaisier to be able to pick myself up out of a pit when i got a bit annoyed with writing as smut requires writing but not too much actual story planning. i also got told i had quite a knack for that kind of thing, so if you're a smut fan (and it's nothing to be ashamed of if you are!) you may enjoy some of my coming content. as always, be sure to let me know of any request/prompts you would like too see me write, and i'll try them out.
          Pace for now!