
My It phase came back from the dead so now my It phase and The Quarry are having a battle to the death


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Yk what imma just make a dif acc and start a story I'll actually work on there bc my interest, motivation, and shit are gone
          I'm so impulsive I hate my life help 
          I will update what the stuff is when I get to it
          But for now I'm just gonna be brainstorming and actually planning out a story
          All the stories are gonna be discontinued, but they will still be up just in case ehhl


          I'm making another fanfic


@BenquaminLuve Don't worry, I do that to


@SimpingPanda I need to stop making books and finish them omg


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I have the urge to make a smut book, but I don't make ever single mlm ship I do overly kinky and fetishy 
          With the daddy shit
          And the ultra sub with ultra Dom
          Everytime being outta pure last
          bc those are disgusting stereotypes that I want to break and  I want them to die a horrible death 


And no, thinking that type of stuff is hot isn't a reason to project it onto every mlm ship you see
            Leaves a bad taste on the tongue


hahaahshwj I probably won't be on very much for the next 3 weeks especially after June 18th 
          because my friend that I haven't seen in like forever is coming to the city I live in and I want to spend as much time as I can with him. so books probably won't be updated until further notice.
          I will be online on today and tomorrow just not very much. 
          I'll try to push out a chapter on both of my books before I go on my semi-hiatus but idk yet just pls be patient if I don't reply right away.


@BenquaminLuve it's cool, I hope you have fun


tbh I give up on coming up on coming out to my sisters 
          they come always up with something to make fun of me for lmao 
          like deadass one of them doesn't even use the right name or pronouns for me and it's pissing me off just a little bit
          uhm they also made fun of my name change 
          bitch stfu fr 


@SimpingPanda it's fine, that's true sometimes 


@BenquaminLuve wow, they're assholes (sorry for calling your sisters assholes, it was the first thing I thought of)