TrapMaster20:So you created an alternate account just so you can hate on me? I don't know if I should be flattered or laughing my ass off at this. But since you did this, and I'll be blocking this one as well, I might as well end it with a bang. I honestly don't care what you say, as you are a guy who probably gets off by rage baiting people. And you want to say how I am bad, but you have a literal child for your pfp, so don't go there. And the attack you made on me? Well there is a minor spelling mistake on your end, so therefore your argument is no longer valid. If you and the one you might be sucking off, Mecha SonicMKII, want to make alternate accounts to target me, keep at it. I'll just keep blocking you from me because I won't give you the satisfaction of you getting in over my head. In fact, the rage baiting you make actually fuels me. Fuels me to make more stories and make them more relevant to the current day. So go on. Keep making these alts, I dare you~ All you're doing is giving me free content.

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Mecha-SonicMKII:He didn't make an account for you, believe me I find this entertaining that you believe it but it isn't true. And you're not "rage baiting" if someone can tell you're angry and that you're blocking people. That's called hiding behind a shield with a look of fear on your face. You're scared, a baby, a wuss. We're not giving you "free content" We're insulting you day in and day out because we hate that people like you waste oxygen everyday. And you may be asking "Why make a lengthy response if you don't care?" Well don't worry pedo, I do it because it's fun. I do it because I know you'll be fuming, I do it because people like you need to know that they suck, and deserve nothing in life. This is actual rage baiting: You suck Imao imagine making such a horrible story! Not that you would know, because you don't know anything. You're not an artist(Al image ewwww), your stories are horrible(coming from a writer himself!) and your name is Trapmaster20. That's the best of it, Silly. You're just a man with a horrible name, talking to two alt accounts because they can't be bothered to actually speak to you.

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Bestman6956:this account is literally for creeps blocking me so you look really dumb and you made a story about 10 years old fucking so I will go there also pokephilia is crazy