In regards to the story of Olicity: an Arrow Fanfic, I am so glad that you enjoyed this story. This was something that I had started making in my spare time and I am so thankful that everyone else has stuck through this entire story and have shown your support. Without seeing all of the nice comments and responses about this I probably would've left it at the second chapter haha.
I really wish I did continue on with the story but it came to a point where I had thought that it would be great to end the story on a really happy note so that the main couple could get the ending they deserve. This was one of the first things I had released and it is my pride and joy even to this day :) all of you are incredible people.......
But before I go, I think it would be a little thank you to everyone in letting you in on a little secret I have been planning for a little while. Sadly, it isn't a continuation or a sequel I think yet, still working out the kinks first. ;). Hopefully I'll have a little something up before I have to go away on holiday in a few weeks!