
Hello there! I just found your book Underneath the Mistletoe and I enjoy reading it. Do you have instagram or facebook? I would love to follow your social media if you don't mind, thanks!


@awthatsweet Wow, thank you very much. I have some older stories of Kickin It that I will be uploading soon. 
            I don't currently have a social media for Wattsapp (my stories and others) Yet. But soon will try and sort something out and let you know :) I have one, but to be honest, I mainly use it for BTS stuff and random other things, like a personal account.
            If you like Vampire books / BTS or not, I have the main story I'm working on now called Fangbidden love (which I may write for another fandom as well) if you are interested. If not, keep an eye out for more Kickin it coming soon (older stories, but I may be continuing with the last one I didn't finish :) )
            Thank you so much again, and sorry I haven't replied sooner; you are my first ever comment, and it means a lot to me xx