
Hello Readers, I know it's been a while since anyone has heard from me. Life has been messy. Like, super messy.
          Where to begin? Well, my parents separated and divorced. My mom was sick. My Dad went out of state to visit my brother and I stayed behind to take care of the dogs and a man walked into the house in the middle of the night while I was completely alone. Thankfully my dogs protected me. I ended up moving into my first apartment {Yes, even after the home intruder situation} and within days of moving in a got temporary custody of my niece. I've never had kids so that was a fun rodeo. She was just reaching that hormonal stage, had just lost her Dad in an accident and was ripped from her mom, so her emotions were at an all time high and I was stressed to say the least. I also lost my childhood dog of twenty years, literally had her since first grade. There's also some other personal drama that I personally don't want to get into. I know it sounds like a load of excuses but my mental health has taken a real dip. You know that meme of the little girl fighting to keep her head above the water? Yeah, that was me.
          Anyways, I thought I would give you guys some updates before I make an announcement. I've recently been getting a lot of questions about when I'm going to continue "Mated to the Cold-Hearted King". Well, to answer that the best I can, I just don't know. I've lost my passion for it due to some nasty and outright antagonizing comments on the previous book in the series on top of everything listed above. 
          Does that mean I've given up on the book entirely? No. I may revisit the book on a later date. However, I wish to expand away from the werewolf genre. I have been working sparingly on a new book during my free time, a slow burn romance. Currently it's up to twenty-seven pages.


@CheyannGluck I personally love your stories and am looking forward to the new one!  Also, I’ve been through my share of rough patches…. Small steps can lead to big results.  Take care.


I was really looking forward to reading Mated to the Cold-Hearted King. But you have to do what’s best for you. Best of luck.


Just checking in to see how you are doing?


You do what a best for you! Just wanted to check on you since it is been a while! Praying for you! Stay strong!


@Carianne89 I've just been going through a lot lately. I'll try to get back into writing but I don't know when.