
I apologize for never actually going through with my stories. I'm going to try again, but no guarantees.


Hey, so I'm really sorry that I haven't uploaded Inevitable or Finding Mr. X-Men, but I'm extremely busy this year, plus I just have no drive or any ideas to keep writing Finding Mr. X-Men.  I will continue Inevitable, but it'll be a while before I'm up and writing again...  But if you or if you know anyone that would be interested in continuing Finding Mr. X-Men, I would love to hand it over to someone who could continue it and make it amazing for the 2K people who've read it so far.  Just message me and let me know.  But I will have Inevitable on hold for quite a while.... I'm so sorry, but I'm extremely busy with school, work, and extra ciriculars...


So i have a new plan for updating. Because I have neglected you guys, and I feel horrible about it!! Okay, I have planned out every update. Which will be once a month, but every 30 days, that way I have an equal amt. of time in between each update. I'm setting it up this way so that I can write a better story for all of you and not be stressed...So I have the next 20 chapters lined up. Though I MIGHT have holiday special chapters; Start of school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, X-Mas, New Years, Valentines Day, Easter, End of School, Fourth of July, Main male/female B-Day's, etc.  But DO NOT COUNT ON IT!! cuz they might not happen.
               So, here are the set future updates..
          2013; Aug.30, Sept.29, Oct.29, Nov.28, Dec.28. 
          2014; Jan.27, Feb.26, Mar.28, Apr.27, May.28, Jun.27, 
          Jul.27, Aug.26, Sept.25, Oct.25, Nov.24, Dec.24. 
          2015; Jan.23, Feb.22, Mar.24.
          So, this is nice an even, hopefully I will have some holiday chappies in there, if I do that adds about 16 chaps.  Which is a really great amt. and makes each story about 42 chaps long. Maybe even more if I add the B-Days (so 44-46). Hopefully this will work out for all of your guys's sake! Cuz I've been unfair!! I'm sorry!! Btw, if there are any (important) Holidays that I missed let me know that way I can add them in. SO, we will see. I'm in the process of maping everything out that way I can kinda carefully plan things down to a T!! since I already know what my busy months tend to be Aug-Oct/Nov, Dec., Feb-Mar/Apr., May-Jun. I know thats 8/10 out of 12 months a year. Because I have marching band, then finals, then somehow I get busy during Feb-Mar/Apr, it seems like teachers like to pile on the homework during those months. then finals & stud(ent d)ying May-Jun. But I am set on making this happen. I'm tired of failing you guys. Its stupid and mean of me to leave you hanging for almost a year. I'm gonna change that this year... I PROMISE! And I like to keep my promises!! Well, I've gotta go.. So, ttyl for now! :D


hello...i know it has been forever since I've uploaded and whatnot.  I have decided to upload monthly, at the end of each month...  Because, I'm again Captain of my high schools colorguard team again..SO i  have a feeling I will be super busy, with trying to better academically and being the absolute perfect Captain.... because we now have a team of 17 people (!) when its never been over 10... so, i have this huge cloud of responsibility looming over my shoulders like a rain cloud, all while trying to get fit.. So, there probably won't be an upload here at the end of July, that way I can spend a ton of time writing months worths of chapters...hopefully....So, we will see how it all goes down..but i intend to keep this promise :)


I'm soooo sore and achy from and this guy Raymar wrote a ton of flag wok together, which I wasn't expecting to be doing, so it worked me to DEATH!!  And we haven't had practice in like 3 weeks, so that really was what killed me, was getting back into I tried to write, but I have some MAJOR fatigue and writers block, I will definitely be writing tomorrow during school and after my other practice with my 8th graders...  Hopefully I'll get to finish all 4 chapters.... we'll have to see :/ and I have to finish more than half a song of work, for my 8th graders benefit show piece, because I have to slightly dumb it down, which makes it soooo much harder to write I'm probably not going to keep dumbing it down and just getting them ready for harder work..especially if they do the finale piece....woohoo!!!! busy week, plus I have to write an essay, and I have a pinata to finish for spanish 2, i kinda injured my knee again so I don't know how well I'll be able to do PE this week and I was already out for half of the first semester and my teacher doesn't like at all when people are injured and can't participate, but i think it'll be fine as long as I don't run to much, just slightly jog and do small spurts of jogging....ssoooo we'll see how tomorrow im gonna go to bed. goodnight to all of my lovely followers that are still hanging in you guys...mwah!!!
          ---<3 Marissa


Hey guys, I just want you to know that Inevitable and Finding Mr. X-Men will be off hold Tuesday May 7th, and I will upload two chapters for the stories, but then they will be on hold again until mid-late June. I hope you understand why (read the authors notes).  I have to get ready for practice, but I will try to write on the way there and back home since I can't drive with someone under 25 years of age... Which is lucky for you guys :D I really am sorry about not uploading since August. :(  I really hate disappointing all of you. So, I will make it up to you soon.  Because of CST's last week, I was able to work on some stories, and sadly I was working on a story on my phone, but it didn't save and I had like half the chapter done, but I'm re-writing it...But, I will have a lot going on this upcoming week, so hopefully I will finish the chapters tonight and get them ready for Tuesday..But I have an essay rough draft to write, half a song to write work to, I have to finish a pinata for Spanish, and I'm going to be gone Friday for a school field trip, and some other stuff that I have momentarily forgot about..But you've got the idea that I'm busy and kind of stressing out...But, I PROMISE to upload on Tuesday, if I don't I will have a friend slap me for disappointing you guys. But i have to go get ready to leave in an hour for practice. So, cya! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! 
          ---<3 Marissa 


hey, im really sorry that I haven't uploaded in forever, i've been super stressed out with school and joing an independent colorguard team {which takes away my weekends.. :( } and I have finals in a week, so Im really stressed out now...oh & a concert on monday & tuesday...and stupid family crap...but I should be able to upload some during x-mas im super excited!! well, i gtg, so ta-ta!
          ---<3 Marissa


OMG! so i haven't been on wattpad because of school starting and stressful things, plus guard, & helping with a bday party..& i just checked the reads on all my stories & i can't believe that Finding Mr. X-Men is over 1,000 reads!!!!!! ahh!!!! I'm SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!