Hi! So I just started out on here like last week and I was wondering if you could vote/read/comment on my story and maybe even follow me! It's called Swept Away and if you checked it out it would absolutely mean the world to me! Here's the link and description thanks !!
He was bad. Bad to the bone. Bad for me, and completely out of the question because I was Kennedy Garger. I got good grades, had upstanding morals, respectable friends, a nice home, and played on a varsity team. I had a mom who cared-- well sorta, and a dad who might've, if he had stuck around. All in all I was you're average, good, teenaged girl-- despite my one completely un-average secret.
But then there was Zion and somehow he knew. He knew my secret. And just as suddenly as he came, there were a whole slew of problems, questions, and answers-- all of these held in his bottomless, mysterious, obsidian eyes.
Maybe, just maybe I could have avoided all this. Maybe if I had backed out of tutoring him all would be well. Or maybe not. But honestly, I'm still not sure if I would want to take it all back.
Maybe I wanted, needed to be swept away.