
If you support Melanie Martinez please unfollow me :) If you're about to hit the unfollow button, I'm glad you're leaving :)


My iPad (the thing I write on) decided to get stuck on the apple restart screen when I restarted it and it has been stuck on the screen for about 3 hours. So, My stories will probably be written on a computer from now on and I can't type that well, wish me luck :)


Update on my fake website situation: So, on my iPhone it will take me to the fake apple website and on my iPad it will take me to a fake amazing website claiming to give me a 1000 dollar gift card. I think this has to do with wattpad itself and not my devices, if this happens to you DO NOT trust it, it is fake and a scam. 


Guys I'm not able to update right now because every time I get on wattpad, even if it is a different platform, it keeps taking me to this fake apple website randomly that says I need to download an app to stop a virus so Until I can fix that there will probably be a lack of updates. I'm so sorry. Also is anyone else on an apple device having this problem? Please tell me if you are


No updates today :( sorry, I doubt I'll be able to get the new chapter of she's a Winchester up, my internet is crap and I'm posting this on my phone with my data, I can barely type on my phone cuz my thumbs are too big and the internet is not gonna work with my iPad or computer :( sorry