So It's been a month since I've published "War Never Changes." I said I would update it soon, which I didn't because of exams and busy. I'll try to work on it as soon as possible guys! I passed my exams though! :)
So It's been a month since I've published "War Never Changes." I said I would update it soon, which I didn't because of exams and busy. I'll try to work on it as soon as possible guys! I passed my exams though! :)
I know I said I will keep weekly updates with my new story, "War Never Changes," and I will. It's just that exams are coming up pretty soon and I need to study for them. I will update it soon though so :)
I have given into my inner emotions and have written my first historical fiction story.
It's called War Never Changes. (Yes, yes. Fallout 4 anyone?)
Ya'll should check it out.