I, don't know why, but I feel the need to start over. Something in life is bugging me, and I keep distancing myself from my online friends because of it.
If your my friend, then I'll try to talk to you more, but I'm wiping all fandom related books out. The Aphmau fandom is holding me down.
I had hopes for the future, but all hope for this fandom no longer exists. I'll most likely become an anime profile.
For my real life friends who may be reading this, I'm sorry I haven't telling you about my stress, but I don't want you to worry.
Please understand that this will most likely also become a PG13+ profile so yeah. I'm sorry to those who expected more. I'll try not to disappoint you guys anymore.
I love you all, and will try to contact those who still might care about me. I'll delete all fandom based books tonight, and tomorrow I'll begin to write different styled books.
Love you my whittle foxies