Where do I go, I’m so lost,
On which land should I pay the cost,
Never begged before, but now I plead,
For a little mercy, my heart does need.
Show me the way to the divine's throne,
In His hands, destiny is shown,
No leader surpasses the divine's shine,
Before His court, my fate I resign.
To change my fate, I make my plea,
Grant me a new destiny, set me free,
Perhaps his mercy will touch my soul,
For in humans, mercy takes its toll.
Shared my tale of a fragile butterfly,
Once more, on my knees, I cry,
For that butterfly, my heart does yearn,
A new prophecy, a chance to learn.
Strong and patient, they say I am,
But even a powerful person has a heart, i claim
Don't break it so, that it forgets to live,
Please gant me a new prophecy to forgive.
I understand your pain, They claim
But the truth is, we can't comprehend someone else's pain, I claimed
Only the one experiencing the pain knows what's going on in their brain,
So tell me the way to their court,
I'll go there with empty feet,
No matter how much it hurts or pierces my feet
To their court, guide my feet,
Through the pain, I'll take the heat,
Names of hurt, I'll bravely show,
Their masks off, their true hearts glow.
Please change my prophecy, I implore,
On my knees, I beg once more.
In the usual way, a cup of coffee rested in my hand
My mind a maze of thoughts, as always grand
And so I penned a poem.