Hey guys. It's been a rough time for all of us. However, my 17-year-old best friend/cousin passing in January is still very hard for me. The police case is finally closed, however, so having that closure has helped a bit. Her funeral was full of people and her high school even let out early so people she impacted could go. They had a graduation parade for her school yesterday and a lot of her car show friends came out and they were able to spell out her name with a lit-up letter on each car. Her birthday is June 28th, which is coming up soon, and it will also be another hard day.
I'm going to be deleting some of the books I don't like. I won't be deleting the One Direction's Mate series, but there is a big chance I might. Let me know if you don't want me to and I'll consider who does and doesn't want it still up. All of Emily's social media will be deleted.
In light of this, I have a list of book ideas I'm passionate about and will be re-doing Paranoia. I have stories that I'm passionate about and I'm a lot more interested in doing. I, also, will only be working on one book as a time because having multiple books made it a little stressful for me and I'd rather make it enjoyable for me so you guys have better content for books.
I love you all and I hope you enjoy my future works. Also, please understand where I'm coming from and why I'm doing this all.