
Unfortunately, I will have to put a pause/significantly slow down on my writing until I get a job. I would love to continue writing, but I have to prioritize making a living first. I'm deeply sorry and will update you with a new writing schedule when I have found a job.


Unfortunately, I will have to put a pause/significantly slow down on my writing until I get a job. I would love to continue writing, but I have to prioritize making a living first. I'm deeply sorry and will update you with a new writing schedule when I have found a job.


I apologize for the long break in updating the books. I want to give you a mid-year update:
          -My stepmom passed away from brain cancer and her kids are refusing to pay for anything, they just want her stuff so I've been helping my dad out.
          -On 2/22/22, a piano fell on me during class and it's been a battle with that whole situation, but my foot is still injured and I'm going to be going to a foot doctor today.
          -I am now taking 20 out of 19 credit hours so my time is no longer my own, which is the main reason for not updating since I've gotten to college. It's been a struggle, especially with 3 science classes, but I'm getting through it. 
          -I am no longer engaged and single. I won't get into details about what happened, but I'm single and happy.
          -52 Book Challenge Update: I've read 16 books total, which means that yes, I am extremely behind since we're on week 36, but I'm okay with it. I have been quite busy after all. My favorites so far have been Final Girl Support Group, They Called Us Enemy, and Dead Letters. 
          I will try my best to update all books this week, but I won't promise anything because 1) my mental/physical health come before anything and 2) as I said before, with all of the classes I'm taking, my time is no longer my own.
          Thank you all for your support,
          Leila Koch
          P.S. to hold you over, I'll post my top 5 favorite movies, in order: 


Hey guys! Welcome to 2022! So I'll give you guys a little update on my life:
          - I got COVID Omicron. I'm fine now and have tested negative. However, I couldn't update due to being extreme sick and not being able to function because of it. 
          -My Aunt Barbara passed away on Wednesday January 26, 2022 because of ALS and COVID. She was a big inspiration in my life and it's hit hard. 
          -I'm back in school! Yeah! I'm taking 17 out of 19 credit hours (AKA a lot of classes, about 10 classes, plus my private lessons and teaching lessons). The new book "Vocal Pedagogy Blog" will be 12 chapters and a journey of me teaching a theatre student how to sing. It's something I have to do for class, but I thought you might enjoy it if you're interested. If not, I'll delete it when the class is over. 
          -I am engaged! I've been with him for 4 amazing years and we've set a date for November 24th, 2023. Time for Covid to be over (hopefully). 
          -I've started the 52 book challenge (1 book every week of the year). I'm hoping that reading a lot more might give me some ideas on how to improve my books for you guys.
          -I will be publishing a children's book as part of my certificate! I'm doing a Public Musicology certificate in college and part of that is publishing a children's book based on an unknown composer. I chose a Spanish female composer named Isabella Colbran, however it might change. It will be out in 2023(ish) and I will let you guys know when it's out and where you can get it. 
          -I hope to publish an update on Music and Mates by the end of the day and Drag Love maybe by the end of tomorrow, if not today. 
          I love you all and I will try to get on a regular updating schedule soon.


Hello, I know it’s been a while so I’ll give you all an update:
          - I plan on posting chapters over the summer, in both Drag Love and the 1D’s mate series. I also might add some more books, depending on my time
          - My mom had her tumor removed as well as another surgery (they were a success) and she’s made a full recovery, so I have time since I’m not looking after her anymore
          - I was gonna update a while back but got writer’s block mid chapter on both books. I promise it’s gone and I’ll finish them up and have them posted soon. 
          - College update: I’ll finally be back on campus next semester with a lot less distractions so I’ll, hopefully, update more while in college
          - Off Topic Life Update: I ended up placing 2nd and 3rd in two separate singing competitions. If you want to see me sing, let me know and I’ll post a link somewhere. 
          I will try to update later today (aka when it’s not 2 AM for me). I love you all so much and thank you for your patience on the very long update times. 


Hey guys. Good news! I have a list of books I plan on writing and I am actively updating it. The Dramatic Drag Love book is on the list and I'll add a new book when I finish the last one. 
          Bad news; So, they recently found a pre-cancerous tumor by my mom's uterus. She's going to need surgery and a hysterectomy to keep her healthy and alive (Cancer has killed a lot of my family). I'll try to update when I can, but I will be helping her after the surgery and dealing with college in August.


Hey guys. It's been a rough time for all of us. However, my 17-year-old best friend/cousin passing in January is still very hard for me. The police case is finally closed, however, so having that closure has helped a bit. Her funeral was full of people and her high school even let out early so people she impacted could go. They had a graduation parade for her school yesterday and a lot of her car show friends came out and they were able to spell out her name with a lit-up letter on each car. Her birthday is June 28th, which is coming up soon, and it will also be another hard day. 
          I'm going to be deleting some of the books I don't like. I won't be deleting the One Direction's Mate series, but there is a big chance I might. Let me know if you don't want me to and I'll consider who does and doesn't want it still up. All of Emily's social media will be deleted. 
          In light of this, I have a list of book ideas I'm passionate about and will be re-doing Paranoia. I have stories that I'm passionate about and I'm a lot more interested in doing. I, also, will only be working on one book as a time because having multiple books made it a little stressful for me and I'd rather make it enjoyable for me so you guys have better content for books. 
          I love you all and I hope you enjoy my future works. Also, please understand where I'm coming from and why I'm doing this all.


@HopelessLovers4 hey lei i just wanted to tell you that i really enjoyed all of your stories. i've been reading for years. please please write more, anything that you're passionate about. i've missed your work so much over the past couple months and i look forward to reading more from you!! can't wait. you write romance super well please write more of that too!!! thank you thank you i'm so excited


Your really pretty ! I love your book and hope this doesn't come out as weird lol I use to have depression it gets better I promise your brave by saying your bisexual online I'm pansexul and proud be yourself no matter what !!!


@Gracie2257 one directions mate lol