
That concludes all Deidara made as extra it's been fun pleas take care of yourselves and much love ♡ uuuf yes bye now it was fun


Sorry not sure why we didn't send correctly that whatever doing it again then.


@ImaiCosmo1 same we all do too uuuf lol yes


@IBelongToYou8 that was so funny hahaha! Lol yes i love The Equal lmao uuuf yes


Deidara said he did these in terms of wanting to have few extra ones before stopping it all together lol yes. So these ones are really it. No more after this as he said. Will send them all soon now there is not much but it is super cool and funny too yes lol uuuf yes


@IBelongToYou8 awesome af guys! Let's go! Lol yes


This is a extra acc for extra stories of Feral and others. Bc Deidara wanted to make extra ones and we wanted to post them. We made new acc since everything he did ended already. But he wanted to make few extra bc it was funny as he said himself to us. That's all will post them and stop when it's over. Thank you lol yes