Yo, so if you couldn't already tell, I'm awful at keeping a writing schedule. I apologise for the long unannounced hiatus I'm kind of back kind of not idk I'll write whenever tf I want anyways  what I was gonna say is I have like 40 drafted stories and I obviously want to get to posting them one day I'm just so bad a keeping schedule so idk when I will write and publish stuff but I just wanted to say that I am writing again and have some good ideas :)


Yo, so if you couldn't already tell, I'm awful at keeping a writing schedule. I apologise for the long unannounced hiatus I'm kind of back kind of not idk I'll write whenever tf I want anyways  what I was gonna say is I have like 40 drafted stories and I obviously want to get to posting them one day I'm just so bad a keeping schedule so idk when I will write and publish stuff but I just wanted to say that I am writing again and have some good ideas :)


I recently got into a conversation with some people on Reddit about writing trigger warning on Fanfiction and I mean its fine to have your own opinion on things but the things that some people said kind of angered me so I felt I'd share it here and ask what you think. Some people were saying that they don't put trigger warnings in their descriptions because it can 'spoil parts of the story' So they'd rather put someones mental stability at risk for the sake of their story. On my stories I leave as many trigger warning as I can that I apply to the story no matter how significant they are because I want my readers to know what they are getting themselves into before they begin reading one of my stories. I just think its so wrong to selfishly put the significant events of your story before your concerns about other peoples mental health. Something about that really just didn't sit right with me. I promise that I will always keep my readers aware of triggering events that may occur in my stories no matter what. What do you  guys think about trigger warnings on Fanfictions?


@ILDTFWNSJMWOJGSKZ id much rather spoil my story than make anyone uncomfortable


this message may be offensive
Hi, this is a very important post. I'm sure we all know what is happening right now with the hate that Stray kids are getting and I'm just saying on all of my social medias that we need to drown this out. We have to do something. Imagine what Stray kids are feeling right now, please try and help Stay and Non-Stays, just anyone at this point we need as much help as we can get. We need to drown out the hashtags, educaute people on the truth and teach those goddamn dickheads a lesson. I can't sleep. I can't do anything. I can't even fucking think with the knowledge of what is happening right now. I feel so sick. I can't put it into words but this is an anger that I have never felt before. Please do anything you can, please.


So I've decided that I'm gonna discontinue both 'difficult relationships' and 'The last of us- Our team' for many reasons. They were the first wattpad stories I ever wrote and I cringe at my own writing in them. For Difficult relationships, I lost all interest in the storyline as I struggle to write things with only Romance as the genre. All my stories will be romance but I like to have some kind of horror or supernatural element to them otherwise I lose interest quickly. For The last of us- Our team, I'm still in morning from the release of the second game, and even though I had a good idea of where to take the story, in the time I've left these fanfics my writing style has changed alot and it would be like reading two completely different stories because my writing style changed so much.
          I will leave both stories on my wattpad but neither will be updated, I'm sorry.
          I now will rarely use Y/N to represent your name because I've realized that I prefer the main character to have a name so it feels more like a story and less of a fanfic, but the main character will still be you. I think I'm going to write in second person instead of first person as well.
          The good news is, I have so many good idea for fanfics, my drafts are literally full of Inga I wanna post. I will finish 'The haze' first and then start posting more stories. I'm honestly really enjoying the book I'm writing rn.
          Id also love to hear what kind of books you wanna see, I might take requests if I like the idea alot☺️