
大家,新年快乐呀!!! 你们有什么目标吗??
          	Hi guys, Happy New Year!!! Do you guys have any goals??


          Hi guys. Actually I'm supposed to graduate this year but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my graduation has been postponed till next year ( it should be in March, I'm not sure ). Although school holidays have started, I'll be sitting for an extremely important exam next year. As a result, I may have less time to update the story. At the same time, I'm also checking the story that I have translated before. Sorry for the inconvenience and love you all !


Hi, thank you for adding my book to your list! I hope you'll enjoy reading 'sold.' Stay safe, happy, and healthy! ❤


@Jackmeow04 Hi, thank you for adding my book 'SOLD!' to your list! ♡ I appreciate that you took interest in it again!! <3 (I am currently editing it so it'll take a bit of time for a new chapter to be published. I hope that you can wait for me while I reread and edit the story. ❤)


@ch1ck3nNuG2tts Stay safe , happy and healthy ~ (^-^)