
And now, for the last of the massive explanation/complaining/whatever you want to call it.
          	My twin brother came out as gay and it wasn't accepted very well by my mom and dad. He took it rather well on the outside, of course, (he's such a laid back person it's crazy...), but I have the feeling that it effected him more than he lets on. For those of you that I've talked to about this, Alex has been more...closed off recently and it's very...sad for me to watch. I know that I'm kind of rambling and all, but I promised you guys an explanation and the words just kept coming. On second thought, I probably should have just made a chapter in the Randomness book, but yeah, I didn't, so there is that.
          	I am sorry for not being here, and if you still want to read my works, then great! I will be working on my stories, and I will eventually update as I (fingers crossed) think that life has calmed down a bit for me recently.


And now, for the last of the massive explanation/complaining/whatever you want to call it.
          My twin brother came out as gay and it wasn't accepted very well by my mom and dad. He took it rather well on the outside, of course, (he's such a laid back person it's crazy...), but I have the feeling that it effected him more than he lets on. For those of you that I've talked to about this, Alex has been more...closed off recently and it's very...sad for me to watch. I know that I'm kind of rambling and all, but I promised you guys an explanation and the words just kept coming. On second thought, I probably should have just made a chapter in the Randomness book, but yeah, I didn't, so there is that.
          I am sorry for not being here, and if you still want to read my works, then great! I will be working on my stories, and I will eventually update as I (fingers crossed) think that life has calmed down a bit for me recently.


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
I mean, my mom was a wreck, my aunt was a wreck, my grandmother was a wreck...I think that I felt like there wasn't any /room/ for me to be a wreck as well. I don't think that it really resurfaced until my Grandma came over here. Yeah, she was here, in Italy for about three months. Keep in mind that she didn't have much better health than my grandpa. She flew here with some sort of sickness from Iowa and all of that. She came here just as my mom needed to go back to Virginia for a knee surgery and I was finishing an application for a summer camp scholarship thingy. She said she was perfectly fine before throwing up twice a day. Stubbornness and pride is a huge issue in my family, as you can see, when she returned home about two (?) months ago she had a bad case of pneumonia, was not peeing, and had a heart attack of sorts. About six weeks ago, she had what we thought was a stroke and three seizures. Later, we learned that it was four aneurisms that now need to be surgically removed if she doesn't want to die within the next six months.
          Now, for massive growth/ mental shit. Remember that camp scholarship that I mentioned up there that I needed to write a few essays for? Yeah, I didn't get in. Now, you might just be saying that this is just something that happens in life. I think that I agree now, but this was the first time that I hadn't gotten something that I had genuinely worked for and it was devastating. Like, cry yourself to sleep for days devastating. Their idea of an essay was like...less than 1,500 characters - less than this message actually - but that wasn't what I am/was so upset about. It was the fact that I  literally poured myself into what I was doing and having my application rejected felt as if I myself was being rejected. I've always had some trouble with perfection, but this was bad; worse than bad actually as it has made me even more hyper sensitive to anything to do with writing and/or not being good enough.
          Hold for part three...


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Okay, I realize that I've been gone for...a really long time and I am just now getting back to being active or semi-active. You guys deserve to know all the shit that has been going on in my life recently just for peace of mind.
          So, first, starting last June, I moved to Italy. Most of you guys know that, yeah, nothing new. I've been trying to learn Italian and all, but that is also a given. The thing that I did not expect was for my asthma to act up. There is something in the air here - whether it be the trash burning, the Sahara sand storms, or just the atmosphere here itself - that is proving to be an irritant. I've had three or four bad asthma attacks in the past year in Italy versus one in the past four years in America. It hasn't been all that fun. I broke my toe in month one of being overseas...done Volleyball, Swim team, more Swim team, Basketball, more Volleyball, and more Swim team for sports. (Really smart, I know.) So, sports, broken bone, and asthma for physical shit happening in the last year. 
          Onto emotional shit. Last July, my family went back to the states to see my grandparents because, y'know, we can. At that point, my grandpa was having serious issues with his health. He was gaining about three pounds in water everyday, had oxygen that he was supposed to have on all day, and had heart problems - as in, it stopped beating for five plus seconds at least once a day. It was hard to look him in the eye, let alone talk to him as we knew he wasn't going to make it much longer. Sure enough, last September, he passed away after claiming that he 'wasn't ready to go. It's not my time yet.' only a few hours before he died. Obviously, we flew back into the States. I couldn't even walk into the room where he was before being cremated. My mom seems to think that I never grieved properly while we were there for his funeral, and for the most part, I agree. 
          Hold for part two of explanation as I am feeling long winded today.


Hey all! 
          I have really been getting back into roleplay (not the kinky kind you perverts! XD), and I just put one up. It's called 'The Lair of the Beast, a Roleplay' I'm not sure how many of you even roleplay online, but it would mean a lot if you could give it a chance.
          *salutes* That is all!


Okay, so I'm gonna give you an update on how far I'm away from getting the next chapters of my stories to ya'll, kay? Good.  Well here we go.
          Eyes of Rebellion {Rewrite} - Chapter 01 is about 1/4 of the way finished.  It's not going to be extremely long, probably around 3k words total.  I will be officially introducing ~~~~~ and some other well loved characters, so keep your eyes open!
          Blackened Hearts - Okay.  To be honest, I haven't felt motivated to write the next chapter yet.  I know, I know, that's pretty bad for me. But hold your tomatoes!! I am easily motivated by your lovely comments.  If you want me to update in a semi-reasonable time then you know what you can do to give be nudge in the right direction.
          Dance Your Heart Out - The next bit is about 2/3 completed with the whole thing plotted out.  I just have had other things on my mind.  This story has kinda been on the backburner for a while, am I right? The ideas for this story are still there, don't you worry! They just take a bit longer to sort through than those with my other stories.
          New Story - Remember how I said I'd be writing Death Note?  Yeah, well that's been taking up a lot of my time. I want to tell you guys a couple things about it just in case you didn't read my basic synopsis of it in my 'One-shots, Drabbles, and Other Nonsense' book. The main character is Matt.  If you know anything about me you'd have been able to guess that as he is often portrayed as having red hair. XD (Autumn loves red hair!) And I couldn't help but notice that there seem to be no Fanfictions about his backstory.  That go me thinking and on the search for one.  I found a delightful little one-shot that was basically a letter from Beyond Birthday to Matt...and it got me thinking...what if Matt DID have the Shinigami eyes?  That's a main point in it so...yeah. XD The story is going to be called 'Scattered Genius' and the first part should be out soon.
          Well, that's all for now! How are you all doing?