I loved your book swordplay, I just read it for the second time and I noticed the scene where she rescues the nerl is missing and I wondered if it was intentional. I read books all over the Web and kindle and I've been trying to remember where I read your book ,I was glad to find it again

@sisser P.S. I'm happy that you like it. Would you mind leaving a review on Amazon? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I2SPVJ2

@sisser sorry for my extremely late reply. I've had a lot of family issues the last year and barely managed to keep up with my publishing schedule. The book Swordplay is available on Amazon as eBook or paperback, and the scene with the rescue of the nerl is still in there. I don't know what happened to it here, but it should be here too since I didn't change anything.