
I posted my SS501 Fanfic on my new account!!!! :) Please read if you're a Triple S!!! Account link at bottom. vv


          -Rant begins-
          Okay so I have this curse...apparently every guy I've ever liked at my school and had a chance with... TURNED OUT TO  BE GAY! WHY?!? I love gay people but damn, I can never ever find a guy that likes me and I like him and he's NOT gay. Does this happen to anyone else?! Like recently, there is this adorable Asian kid and surprisingly he's in my grade and he looks exactly like Kim Hyung Jun, and apparently everyone thinks he is gay and he won't come out of the 'closet' WHY LIFE WHY?! 
          -End of rant- 
          Sorry about that. XD


Hey, don't remember why I followed you O.O
          *looks at stories*
          Oh, never mind, now I remember, your story 'Onii~Chan?' looked really interesting. :D
          Have I added that yet? Dunno, I'll check later :)
          So... I guess I'm blabbing O//O
          Anyway, I thought I might get to know you a little better (that sounds creepy even to me)
          I love the boys in the background, they look hot O////O
          But, I am stuck on Usui so... sorry guys :P
          I saw the stuff down there and...
          I know you won't believe me or you will probably ignore it, but I have felt like that before, heck I still feel like that every now and then. 
          It feels like people are just making up images of me that I am not really. I won't to strangle some people, I feel like I don't belong in this world. I look at a bird and think that the bird deserves to be in this world more than me, but I can't change that.
          Suicide is not far from my mind, but I manage to evade it and I advice you to do so.
          This speech/advice/whatever-this-is could go on forever if you let me, but I will end it here :)
          I am always open to a chat, any chat, no matter how crazy, random, time consuming you may wish it to be :D
          *Looks up*
          This became long all of a sudden, I was planning to just say hi O.O


None of you guys know what my life is like, it's a living nightmare, I hate my sister, you don't understand anything. I want to die, I'm sorry I wasn't born normal, I'm sorry I'm weird, I'm sorry I exist. I don't want to exist. I was forced into this world. I'm sorry.