Hey, don't remember why I followed you O.O
*looks at stories*
Oh, never mind, now I remember, your story 'Onii~Chan?' looked really interesting. :D
Have I added that yet? Dunno, I'll check later :)
So... I guess I'm blabbing O//O
Anyway, I thought I might get to know you a little better (that sounds creepy even to me)
I love the boys in the background, they look hot O////O
But, I am stuck on Usui so... sorry guys :P
I saw the stuff down there and...
I know you won't believe me or you will probably ignore it, but I have felt like that before, heck I still feel like that every now and then.
It feels like people are just making up images of me that I am not really. I won't to strangle some people, I feel like I don't belong in this world. I look at a bird and think that the bird deserves to be in this world more than me, but I can't change that.
Suicide is not far from my mind, but I manage to evade it and I advice you to do so.
This speech/advice/whatever-this-is could go on forever if you let me, but I will end it here :)
I am always open to a chat, any chat, no matter how crazy, random, time consuming you may wish it to be :D
*Looks up*
This became long all of a sudden, I was planning to just say hi O.O