
Hi there! I saw that you checked out my winning entry for the XOXO flash fic contest from back in October. Thanks for that. If you enjoyed it, you may also want to take a peek at my current short story for a fairy tale retelling contest. It's called BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY and I'd love to hear what you think of it :)


your profile pic is really pretty :) i'm also a major bookworm


@scifiwriter  Whoops, I kept meaning to write back and I'd get distracted every time, sorry about that. But thank you! I really appreciate it. Isn't it so hard to put down a story once you pick it up?! I'm almost lucky some stories only update once a week or I'd never put Wattpad down. Oh, by the way, you're works look intriguing and I'm definitely going to check them out. :)