
Ok, so if anyone is interested...
          	I just updated "mind place" and uploaded a new poem, go check it out if you want xD


this message may be offensive
......wait a fucking second
          YOU wrote that "betrunken for liebe" PRONGS?????
          i read that, years before we got to know each other or before i even knew moony :,)
          ...i was amazed by that fanfic, absolutely obsessed
          thought i should leave you some credit for it here <3


@ -a-m-o-r-i-s-t-   yea, I thought you knew about that haha 
            Glad you like it, sadly I can't find the motivation to finish it :,( 
            And thank youuu <3


hey, little check up: 
          how are you feeling? what did you like about today? is there anything you want to get off your chest? <3


@ acronychal-  yes, sleeping is the best thing haha. Well, it's math so it's really understandable if one doesn't do it xD


hehe thanks xD 
            sleeping in is a very good thing, yes haha^^ my day was good, except the fact that I failed to do my maths homework xD


@ acronychal-  Well, I was a little confused because you change your profile pic haha, but it looks good xD 
            And I'm feeling OK,thanks for asking. I liked about today that I could sleep in haha. What about you? How was ya day? <3


Heya, Heya.
          Du kommst auf mein Profil? UND klickst auf den Folgebutton?!
          Danke, danke! *verbeug*
          Nimm dir doch gern' ein Buch, setz dich und bleib' so lange du möchtest!
          Ich zwinge niemanden, länger als nötig zu bleiben.
          *Hebt ein silbernes Zepter mit einer Gelb Goldenen Tomate oben drauf. Lässt es an deiner rechten Schulter zur linken wandern, dann kurz auf deinen Kopf*
          Nun bist du offiziel ein Part meiner Tomaten.
          Achtung, basik Frage: Wie kam es zu deinem Follow?
          Vielleicht hast du mal Lust, in eine Geschichte von mir rein zu stöbern?
          Wie dem auch sei.
          Viel Spaß und bleib gesund!
          XX Eddie 


excuse me
          excuse me
          excuse me miss
          i love you <3
          you're amazing <3
          and hella beautiful <3
          and i'm soooo proud of you <3


@ einKrankesWurst  you did made me smile I just got a little emotional ^^ *hugs you back* <3


@ LiloLikesReading  nooo don't cry i wanted to make you smile ;-; take hug <3