Misery needs company..

If you're listening to lies and getting yourself involved in drama then don't start crying when the people you bully snap back at you, just saying! :)

Lol! Party pooper! I love you though @KunWinsWife ❤

@LindseyMccalister Aaah, you spelled my Wattpad name wrong how could yoooou! XD LMFAO! Back at ya!

@LindseyMccalister oops @KuWinsWife sorry, there's too many nick names on this app lol!/

Yooo, did you get invited?? It's like 100 people in there!!! :O

I just read this book! I didn't know you write! This is amazing and true, everyone please check it out! https://www.wattpad.com/story/195816777

I find it funny how she gets random strangers involved, then tries to call it harassment when they make themselves known on my message board, when we have proof love lol so you can save your curse words and bullying statements to yourself. You came to my message board first.

I'm sorry I'll never feel sorry for a liar...I just can't. Telling someone to kill themselves is one thing, lying about who you are is another. At least Teddy told us who she really was.

this message may be offensive
First of all, I know she sees this lmfao and I hope she does, But don't come at my friends. Idk what your little bully of a friend told you but even Wattpad AND the ambassadors got involved over this, but that's you if you want to believe lies. She straight up told someone to kill themselves and we have proof for days, have you tried asking her for proof? Nope. Because you choose to believe some little girl you don't even know, or do you? All these accounts coming out of no where trying to attack OUR ACCOUNTS SPECIFICALLY and the main thing I notice is that they all following her. She just wants attention when she see she not getting it, and if y'all playing dumb and trying to "act" like she's not the bad guy because of the "fake sad stories" she keeps telling you all, then be my guest! But one thing you will not do is come at my friend over some BS lies my dude

Just ignore any unnecessary drama they try to throw your way. She’s just mad you saw straight through her lies and manipulation...oops! (if she knows what that word means) Ya know. But keep ya head up. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@TeddyBear_Jelly Oh trust me I know lol this doesn't really upset me. It's making me laugh honestly! XD