Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've actually released anything with my series but it was for good reason. I've officially started Pokemon Unleashed Remade, where I'll be building the story again from the ground up again. There will be a few changes and a LOT more content in each chapter than last time and I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out. I am only on Chapter 6 of Pokemon Unleashed Remade but rest assured I am working hard to make sure it's the best it can possibly be. In other news, I also changed my username to RebelGalaxy and started an alt account with my friend @Thedark_ninja called @the_galaxy_ninja. There, we'll be posting any collabs between us (like MHA Future), so if you are interested, drop a follow. Ok everyone, sorry for the lengthy update, I just had quite a lot to get through. Thank you and see you later!