
RIP Harper Lee To Kill A Mockingbird and Go Set A Watchman will always be my favorite books


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Top Ten Liv & Derek moments:
          10. Liv and Derek sleeping beside each other the night they met
          9. Liv and Derek saving one another from suicide
          8. Liv taking care of Derek when he was sick
          7. How Derek never told a lie to Liv
          6. Derek saving Liv from being raped by Val
          5. Liv's reaction towards Derek and Nina on the magazine cover. It shows how much she cares
          4. Liv crying tears of joy when she realized that Derek didn't try to rape her
          3. How Liv tells Derek everything
          2. Derek singing "The Way You Look Tonight" by Fred Astaire to Liv
          1. Liv and Derek having sex in the hospital room and falling asleep together
          What are your Top Ten Liv and Derek moments? (Could be from this list in another order, or include some that I forgot)