
Y’all ever just be learning languages and since you practice them so much, you accidentally say a word in a different language to someone and you just have a quick moment of buffering?? I’m American, but I’m learning Russian, German, and Spanish, so sometimes I’ll accidentally say words like hi, bye, thank you, please, etc. in a different language without realizing because I practice those words so much I’m just used to saying them at this point. Anyone else??


Y’all ever just be learning languages and since you practice them so much, you accidentally say a word in a different language to someone and you just have a quick moment of buffering?? I’m American, but I’m learning Russian, German, and Spanish, so sometimes I’ll accidentally say words like hi, bye, thank you, please, etc. in a different language without realizing because I practice those words so much I’m just used to saying them at this point. Anyone else??


Update: Might take a bit to actually publish the Prologue and chapter 1 (planning to do them back to back) because for what I want to do, I need to go study the Chinese government and their army works, otherwise it’ll be off. Also, I need to alter my idea for the book a bit since what I thought of is to close to how other books that I’ve seen are and I don’t want to seem as if I copied them. I’m gonna need to study a lot about other countries politics and geography, I also just got a big world history book so I can learn about other countries histories. I’m trying to make this as historically/current time accurate as I can. Minus the whole countries being humans and other things like the UN and EU, also the multiple ships I have, because this is a RusAme Russia/America) book, but I’ll have a few other ships that’ll make a few small appearances like GerPol (Germany/Poland) and Ukranida (Ukraine/Canada). I’m hoping to get at least the prologue out by mid-august and hopefully chapter 1 right after, if not by the end of august, start of September.


So, I’ve been slipping out of the Dream SMP quit a bit (not entirely, and I tend to get into things then have a repeating cycle of getting in and out them). I’ve been really into Countryhumans and I’m getting back into FNAF again, so with said, I’m planning on making a RusAme (Russia/America) book. All my Dream SMP books aren’t gonna be discontinued, I just won’t work on them until I get back into it. Anyways, for the RusAme book, I’m going to make it an actual book instead of just oneshots like how I originally planned. I should also mention that I’m learning German, Russian, and Spanish, but I only know the basics so I’ll be using google translate a bit, sorry in advance if I get anything wrong. Before I start writing I’m gonna actually plan it out, make rough drafts and put effort into this story because I have an overall idea, but it has a lot of plot holes. So I’m hoping to get the first chapter out sometime around end of July, start of August and I’m gonna try to have an actual publishing schedule. The only reasons I’ll allow myself to publish a chapter late is if I can’t handle writing mentally at some point, I’m busy and have to deal with family (can’t let them know about this), or if I have a big plot hole that I need to fill before I can publish it that’s just taking longer than usual. I hope I’ll be able to actually get stuff done since I’ve noticed I’ve had more motivation for doing things ever since I started going to therapy, however I’m going to struggle getting anything down this week because at my dad’s house and he is always making do stuff back to back, but maybe going out and doing/seeing something might give some inspiration for a few things. Thanks for listing. Bye/adios/auf wiedersehen/до свидания


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
HaHA, got my first oneshot out, for how complex it was in my head, I’m now realizing how hard it is to write down those ideas. Writing without a prompt is fucking hard