Dying Joker Poem:
Batman: Arkham City.
"It's been a blast, been a ball, been a Hell of a ride. I've had some laughs, spilled some blood, all while your city cried. But every rivalry must come to an end, and I guess this was my time. So goodbye, farewell, and I'll see you on the other side. But it's not goodbye forever. We always have been bound together. And we both know you'll hear me laughing when you die. I may be a monster, freak and killer, but I'll miss you all the same. It's warmed my heart to see you fight through mental torture, chaos and pain. Sad you still deny your crusade is a joke. Life doesn't care what's wrong or right. But you made my career fun, so thank you and goodnight. Never tell Harley I said this, but you're the apple of my eye. And if I've gotta check out, I'm glad to have my favorite plaything by my side. Of course, I can't leave you with nothing. At least hope tonight gave you something. And that Gotham burns until the smoke blankets and blots the sky."