
My first Jovian Fever short story.
          	I'll be honest, it's not that great.
          	But I hope it's interesting at least.
          	I just published "The Outbreak:" of my story "The Deadly Bliss:".


Masky/Hoody Poem:
          FNAF: Remedy Trials.
          "Right here, right now, we put the offer out. We don't want to chase you down. We know you see it. Don't fight, don't flee, we've come to set you free. Out of boring little walls you keep in. So trade what's typical for something colorful. And if it's crazy? Go a little crazy. You can keep being sensible, a slave to the conventional. Or you can break away and see. Don't you wanna get away from this weak, battered part you've gotta play? We've got what you need, so come with us and take the ride. We'll take you to the other side. We know this isn't how you like to spend your days. Bruises, misery, and never-ending dismay. If you run with us, you'll be the talk of the town. Both feared and revered, no longer one of the clowns. Then you can finally live a little. Finally laugh a little. Make anyone who looks down on you scream. And it'll wake you up and cure you aching. Take this town's walls and see them breaking. Now doesn't that deal seem like it's more than worth taking?"


            Also, I'm almost done with my first Jovian Fever story. Just got past the point of the narrator telling readers how outbreak began and she'll be explaining how the infected invade her town after I'm finished with work for the day.


            Well, I don't blame you.


            I'm kinda hooked on it, lol.


Dying Joker Poem:
          Batman: Arkham City.
          "It's been a blast, been a ball, been a Hell of a ride. I've had some laughs, spilled some blood, all while your city cried. But every rivalry must come to an end, and I guess this was my time. So goodbye, farewell, and I'll see you on the other side. But it's not goodbye forever. We always have been bound together. And we both know you'll hear me laughing when you die. I may be a monster, freak and killer, but I'll miss you all the same. It's warmed my heart to see you fight through mental torture, chaos and pain. Sad you still deny your crusade is a joke. Life doesn't care what's wrong or right. But you made my career fun, so thank you and goodnight. Never tell Harley I said this, but you're the apple of my eye. And if I've gotta check out, I'm glad to have my favorite plaything by my side. Of course, I can't leave you with nothing. At least hope tonight gave you something. And that Gotham burns until the smoke blankets and blots the sky."


            Yeah I figured. XD
            I imagine the Jovian fever, while less gruesome than Rage virus, it's still very hard to fend off because of the less apparent side effects. You can run from angry and bloodthirsty "zombies", but from those who see nothing wrong with what their condition? It complicates things.


            Yeah. Oh, there's also something else I'd like your opinion on. Which virus do you think would be worse to deal with? Jovian Fever or the Rage virus? The question might sound kinda stupid since you can only really SEE Rage in action, but I feel like asking for fun. I'm kind of obsessed with 28 Days Later right now, if you can't tell, lol.


My family lost one of our dogs today. One that we had for nearly ten years. He was suffering from hip dysplasia and my dad had to put him down since he was in so much pain. As you can imagine, I'm...more than a little upset right now. I loved that dog.


            Good God, I'm very sorry. But if it makes you feel any better, I know how you feel. I lost my first dog when I was 9 years old and I remember being devastated.
            I have two dogs now, and even though they get on my nerves most of the time, I don't want to think about what I would do if I lost either of them.


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Okay, I just had one of you guys point something very obvious out to me about the entire purpose of writing that I'm now genuinely pissed at myself for losing sight of by using AI as my primary tool for making a story. So, if you the rest of you don't mind, please do me a favor. If I ever talk about using an AI to write again, call me an absolute dumbass. I'm not kidding.


            Alright. And don't worry, if you feel tempted about using AI, I'll remind you about what I said to you.


Happy new year!


            Happy New Year to you too, man!


Merry Christmas, guys.


            That a reference to something? Lol.


            Merry Chrysler to you too! I meant Crisis! I meant... CRAP!


Jane Doe Poem:
          The Autopsy Of Jane Doe.
          "Burn me at the stake until my lungs are charred inside. Lacerate my flesh and let me bleed until I'm dry. I've been living with the pain and I can't see myself giving it up. They tortured me for my suspected sins. Put me through Hell and back, now no one wins. Confined to my remains, can't shed my tears. And even now, my cries fall upon deaf ears. I'll block off your doors and keep you inside. You'll be stuck with me and have nowhere to hide. I lie silent here before you. My scars, they have much to show you. The storm outside rages and you discover more. Remnants of an ancient ritual any sane man would abhor. As I show my cards, your fear rides high. You know that you'll be the next to die. For the sins of the past, those who cross me will atone. Their lives I'll steal to restore my own. And when death brings it's cold despair, ask yourself. Will anyone care?"


            Ah. Well, if you've got access to Netflix, I recommend giving it a watch. It's actually quite interesting. Disturbing, but interesting.


            Can't say that I have.


            I'm guessing you haven't seen it?