
          	I am still alive. 
          	I know, it seems like ages since I last updated my story, but well I was pretty occupied with IB and to that developing the narrative behind the scenes. Trust me, it’s very exciting and definitely not wishy-washy cute and happy ending and all. 
          	But I digress. If you are wondering why this new chapter which I finally brought myself to update combined with anxiety and the free time quarantine has granted me with, is on English, here is my reasoning:
          	I am not very good in German, simply speaking. Yeah, I am fluid and all, but over the course of rereading my work and comparing it to the version I had in my head, I came to realise that German wasn’t the perfect language for me to express the emotions and themes I want within this work. It sounded unprofessional and downright coarse. 
          	As a result, I decided to rewrite in on English. The remaining chapters will be rewritten too, as will chapter 7 and 8 except that the content will change for those two. Just some plot tweaking. 
          	Finally, I just wanted to inform you that from now on I will be updating more often, this time for real. Especially because my IB examinations are cancelled. 
          	Hopefully this post wasn’t too lengthy and you will still enjoy my work on English. 
          	Oh, and that you like the new chapter. 
          	Keep healthy and sane during this tiresome times.


          I am still alive. 
          I know, it seems like ages since I last updated my story, but well I was pretty occupied with IB and to that developing the narrative behind the scenes. Trust me, it’s very exciting and definitely not wishy-washy cute and happy ending and all. 
          But I digress. If you are wondering why this new chapter which I finally brought myself to update combined with anxiety and the free time quarantine has granted me with, is on English, here is my reasoning:
          I am not very good in German, simply speaking. Yeah, I am fluid and all, but over the course of rereading my work and comparing it to the version I had in my head, I came to realise that German wasn’t the perfect language for me to express the emotions and themes I want within this work. It sounded unprofessional and downright coarse. 
          As a result, I decided to rewrite in on English. The remaining chapters will be rewritten too, as will chapter 7 and 8 except that the content will change for those two. Just some plot tweaking. 
          Finally, I just wanted to inform you that from now on I will be updating more often, this time for real. Especially because my IB examinations are cancelled. 
          Hopefully this post wasn’t too lengthy and you will still enjoy my work on English. 
          Oh, and that you like the new chapter. 
          Keep healthy and sane during this tiresome times.


Hallo ,
          Ich habe endlich ein neues Kapitel für „The Cat, creation of a monster“ veröffentlicht! 
          Also, theoretisch gesehen ist es nicht komplett neu. 
          Ich habe mir, da ich endlich Sommerferien habe und während der Elfte keine Zeit hatte,
          Die Zeit genommen das dritte Kapitel „Der Tag an dem ich starb“ neu zu schreiben.
          Es schien mir wirklich unrealistisch und sogar absurd als ich es mir wieder durchließ.
          Das ist aber nicht alles, denn ich habe noch Umschreibungen von Kapitel 4, 5, 6 und 7 geplant als auch nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit ein komplett neues Kapitel. 
          Ich kann euch versprechen dass es ein wenig mehr Aktion als die vorherigen Kapitel beinhalten wird und eine wichtige Szene aus „Captain America Winter Soldier“.
          Mehr verrate ich noch nicht. Ich hoffe euch werden die Veränderungen gefallen. 
          Entschuldige für die lange Zeit ohne Updates. 
          Viele Grüße,


          Schön, dass du dich in die Reihen meiner Follower begeben hast. Gemeinsam werden wir es schaffen, die Weltherrschaft – oder zumindest Wattpad-Herrschaft – an uns zu reißen!
          *Muhahahaha* ლ(`∀´ლ)
          Ok, Spaß beiseite. Freut mich, dass du auf den Folgen-Button geklickt hast. :) Ich hoffe, dass meine Geschichten genau die Art von Crazy sind die dir Spaß bereiten.
          Bis bald!
          PS: Falls du dich motiviert fühlst zurück zu schreiben, bitte drauf achten, dass keine Leerstelle zwischen meinem Namen und dem @-Symbol ist. Aus irgendeinem Grund, kommt das leider öfter vor und dann bekomme ich keine Benachrichtigung. :/