
Hey guys! Just published chapter 1 of my Good Luck Charlie fan fiction. If you guys like it then let me know! Also of you have any ideas for chapter 2 or the story in general also let me know! Chapter 2 will be up soon! Remember I also take story requests.


Hey guys! Just published chapter 1 of my Good Luck Charlie fan fiction. If you guys like it then let me know! Also of you have any ideas for chapter 2 or the story in general also let me know! Chapter 2 will be up soon! Remember I also take story requests.


Anybody remember Good Luck Charlie? Well have you ever wondered what would've happened if Charlie was never Teddy's sister? What if she was her daughter? Obviously Disney would never indulge in the idea of a teen pregnancy, but it's an interesting concept. Let me know if you guys wanna see what that would be like! I'd love to take on that project!


After a 5 year absence and many failed promises to add content, I'm heavily considering making a return to Wattpad as a fanfiction writer. My skills have heavily improved past what is currently available on my profile. If I do well enough I might even write an original. As with most if not all fanfiction creators, your requests are welcome. I specialize in the Harry Potter, Creepypasta, Vladimir Todd, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, Zombie Apocalypse, and Disney type stories. However, I am not limited to those fandoms. If I'm unaware of a fandom I will do my research on it to make sure I know exactly what I'm writing about. I also reserve the right to decline any requests that I find too distasteful or outside of my ability. I hope you guys are just as excited as I am! P.S. I am also willing to write about Youtubers and Video Game characters, not just book or movie/tv.


Hey Guys!!!! I know I seemed to have disappeared but I assure you I am still here, I've just been extremely busy. I am currently working on a new Danisnotonfire fan fic which was requested to me by one of you. I am also currently working on my own book. I promise I'll try to be on more often and if you have any ideas for stories about Alyssa Howell's teenage years then let me know! Thank you all for being so patient with me... Also thanks for all the feedback on my stories! I love you guys so much and you make this fun for me!


Attention all my Phan girl followers and fellow Danisaurs! I have gotten a few requests for another Dan Howell  fanfiction, featuring my own original character Alyssa. I will also add a few additional characters. I can not say for certain when I will be finished and/or releasing this book because I'm also working on my own original story. Since I'm working on two books at once this may take some time. Please be patient with me and if you'd like I'll post updates and samples of the stories right here.