
Wya mannnn


@MrBeast6001 and ending predictions I’m guessing it’s gonna be something where Afton gets to be alive and Roxy or one of his close friends and when I say his I mean us are gonna have to sacrifice themselves to kill him im hoping for a somewhat happy ending like somehow Roxy gets a human body by the marionette bc I read some other fanfic today and let’s say it had a stupid ending it was supposed to be a sad ending but made no sense


But fav character has to be kirien or Roxy bc she’s a Troll


@MrBeast6001 it depends misfortune funny goes to kirien I think that’s how you spell his name and if we talking about that friend that always talks smack I gotta give it to chica but at the same time kirien I think that’s how you spell his name is sometimes a dik man did chica deserve it after she said he was a fat ass but man the Monty comment Was OD