
          Could you please check out my book called Conjured? I've uploaded chapter four and it could really use your eyes. Please vote, comment and fan if you like it. Thanks for your valuable time.


Hey! If you have any spare time do you think you could give one of my storys a look! If you cant then I completely understand:) 
          Umm the names of my storys are...
          "Mysterys of the Night" and "Love Shake, and Broken"
          Maybe comment and vote? constructive critizism is welcome:D
          <3 Syerra


Hey there 
          Before deleting­­ this annoying message... te­he­... please just hear me out. 
          Could you pleas­­e read my story HUNT FOR THE­ N­EWBORN. I really need some­ out­siders input and your he­lp wou­ld be highly appreciated. 
          I would gladly ­­return a favor!!! I promise!­!!­ I am not a fake!!! If you­ wa­nt me to read your story ­then ­just drop me a message ­and I w­ould gladly do it. 
          Please also com­­ment and vote if you like it­. ­I hope you do. I think you­'ll ­do. But anyways. Go scop­e it o­ut. Cant wait for your­ HONEST input. 
          Lots of love 


Hello Welcome to Wattpad! :] 
          If it is too much to ask for, I was wondering if you could read my story: Sharing Beds With Mr. Arrogant
          When seventeen year old, Lyric Maze ,gets kicked out of every possible elite boarding school in the states her parents decide to send her to London, where she is engaged to be married to twenty-one year old, Cassey Ryes. 
          There first meeting doesn't go too well, with a punch to the nose, spilled coffee, and a thew insults thrown, Casey and Lyric declare war. 
          Anyways, I hope that you'll read my story. Have a fun time on wattpad. :]
          Oh,  by the way I like your picture, its A D O R A B L E . <3


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­­­­se are sup­er­ a­nn­oy­in­g,­ a­nd­­ I­­'m­­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­­­­ Reality S­ho­w.­. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­­­­ng you cou­ld­ t­ak­e ­a ­lo­ok­ a­­t ­­an­­d ­give­ my ­­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­­­­these get annoying!


helloo!! fellow marshmellows...i mean humans!!! i know you  get tired of these massages and ya they are really annoying cuz i personally think so too, but can you please check out my stories The Last Angel and License To Steal...Your Heart?. thanx a ton! i really wouldnt be sending these messages, but its the only solution to getting my stories out there! (seriously, this is like, my plan Z) :P thank you so so much for your time, and i would absolutely be honoured to retourn the favor!! :) :) ahh, so much for plan... (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) oh i got it! plan Y :( teehee okay thanx!! :) :) XD XD
          well The Last Angel is about a girl who finds out that she's the last angel and her mission on earth is to grant someone's wish to the person who can figure out her angel name. hunted down by angel seekers, she is forced to go on the run, uncovering secrets about her culture, and emotions for her guardian.
          License To Steal...Your Heart? is about a girl and a boy who are sent to take their talent necklaces, a persons most prized possession, from each other. together, they find out about each others mission while uncovering forbidden emotions.
          thanx for ur time!! 


Heyy Kanda!! Welcome to wattpad!! I know these things are super mega annoying, but I just wanted to ask if you could check out my stories. Or just one of them ^^
          I jst started a new story called 'Guardian Angel + Me = NOT good' and i wuld really appreciate some constructive critism. Votes & Comments would help xD 
          Or ..
          You can just read one of the other ones, whichever one catches you're attention :) 
          You don't have to if you dnt want, but i wuld really appreciate it! :)
          Thnx in advance!