I'm 23 years old, I love to read fiction books mostly vampires, werewolf's, witch's and anything paranormal but I also like to write my own stories about vampire's and the people in my live.
There have been many people in my live saying do what make's you happy and I am finally going to do something that I really love.
I will start off saying thank you for reading the stories that I write and maybe it can become a full time thing.
To the people that gave me inspiration to write the stories that I think about thank you for giving me that little push.
  • Üye olduDecember 20, 2016

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Son Mesaj
NicolaMalpass NicolaMalpass Dec 21, 2016 02:37PM
This is my first of many chapters to come, i may not be able to put everything I write up because I am still typing another chapter. https://www.wattpad.com/story/93734400
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