
So I haven't been on here in a HOT minute. Got so many ideas in my head, I get them all jumbled up. If anyone has a favorite story of mine, let me know and I'll work on it first! I'm gonna try to get back on here as much as possible, but ya know, life is fuckin crazy


So I haven't been on here in a HOT minute. Got so many ideas in my head, I get them all jumbled up. If anyone has a favorite story of mine, let me know and I'll work on it first! I'm gonna try to get back on here as much as possible, but ya know, life is fuckin crazy


I'm still writing and editing my poetry book, "Life as we know it" and I'm hoping to get around 100+ poems in it, I'll probably add a table to contents to show the ones I've written and the ones I have ideas for, but any more poem ideas are greatly appreciated! (Also if you want me to continue one of my other books, please let me know cause I don't know if anyone actually likes them)


Hey guys! I really need help right now. I have like 16 books I've started and I have not even half finished any of them. 
          Comment if you want me to continue on a certain book or start on a new one that I've started and not published. 
          Also, if you guys have any ideas or tips for my books please don't hesitate to tell me!! I really want to know what people want to read, and no one ever comments or reads my stories. I have a few books that a few people have read, but I have no feedback if they like it or not. 
          Please let me know guys!!


~If I ran, would you run with me? Would you drag me back to where we were, and hold me there miserably?
          If I ran, would you miss me? Would you forget I existed?
          If I ran, do you know where I would go? Would you not look at all?
          If I ran, would you run with me?~


So you showed me around your town
          To hell again and back
          Our love has served to alienate
          All the friends you depend on
          I know it might seem odd
          I know it might seem odd
          Cause your not the only one
          I remember my self as a lonely child
          So I was
          And you've got me wrong
          You've got me wrong
          (Ground your sense of worth
          Til the spark of morning burns
          And all those searching eyes
          Could scold your tender mind)
          Remember what they say
          There's no shortcut to a dream
          It's all blood and sweat
          And life is what you manage in between
          But what you don't know
          Is you're too young and eager to love
          Seething eyes
          So you're about to get into
          The ditch that you opened up
          (Ground your sense of worth
          Til the spark of morning burns
          And all those searching eyes
          Could scold your tender mind)
          ~Broken Bells- "October"