My goal isn't to become world famous, it's to share my writings and encourage others to continued reading and express their love in writing. PLEASE NOTE: I do not just follow anyone. Writing isn't about seeing how you can use better vocabulary then someone. Writing is like a habit, and addiction. 

You are not writing if you do not enjoy it. You are not a writer if you are hesitating on writing today or not. If you are a true writer, you want to write for the rest of your live. But that does not mean we do not have flaws! Sure, we are going to bump into writers block once in a while. Okay, maybe on a frequent rate. We are not going to get our grammar right one hundred percent on the first draft! No one can tell your stories like you do. So tell them yourselves. Express yourself in any way possible. Poems, short stories, novels, etc.

A good writer does not look for the fame, does not look to be published. A good writer writes for him or herself. Every story is meant to be told. Do not hide your feelings, or thoughts. Write them down, type it on a computer, draw it even! You are you, you are not your best friend, you are not your parents, or siblings, or pet. You are you, express yourselves in the way you want to.

Do not let anyone tell you who you are and how you should write. Because to me, everything written has potential to a whole other idea. Thank you for listening to my long rant! Hope you enjoy my stories, and please. Do not give up on writing. I dedicate all my works to my beloved fans. Guys, here we are family.



Signing off for the first time
  • Behind all the lies
  • Üye olduApril 30, 2015

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