Hello, thanks for your opinion on that book and sorry if I was responding late. Please don't get me wrong, ofc I love this book, it has good things on it, they're good with the story and maybe other things. But the things I don't like in this book is how the author wrote Y/n. Honestly, having a good representation of girlboss and strong fem characters is more better than having a stereotyped fem characters, the author can take Senju or Mikasa for example, strong but not perfect. What I mean by stereotyped fem characters is fem characters that can't fight and weak both mentally and physically, or maybe too kind. But ofc I don't want them/her/him whatever the pronouns is to make Y/n overpowered or being the strongest, just make them able to fight and defend herself for her own good. And one thing I also dislike is how they/her/him change the character's relationship/personality, like Emma and Draken, they/her/him should respect what Wakui had made on the story and they shouldn't change it. I don't only hate Y/n's physical strength, but also her personality. Everyone's personality is different and it shouldn't be like what they/her/him has write, the author could give Y/n a funny, relateable personality instead of the cliche Y/n one like stuttering, getting scared often and crying too damn much. Like grow up already, she's like 14 and she shouldn't cry over the smallest things, there are many people who go through more pain than her, I'm 13 and I stopped crying often for some reason, it's bc the others considered myself as a mature person now. It's ok to make her cry, but there's time and place. I don't want Y/n to end up like Take who got a character development after like 100 chapters. Maybe you won't understand me, but that's my opinion and I'll be grateful if you'd respect it, I have a reason to stan Y/n slander and so does the others, you should search Y/n phobia sometimes and you'll know how I feel seeing Y/n like this.(No hate to anyone)

@OfficialxSymp Thanks, even though it's kinda impossible bcs all the good books are always discontinued. I read that one book where Y/n's friend stutter in front of their crush and Y/n was like "You lagging or something?", I love that kind of Y/n but sadly the author didn't update it anymore. Sorry for replying late btw

@OfficialxSymp Uh well to correct it a bit: Actually Akkun isn't the one who give Y/n that nickname, it's just some random students

@Naristaackerman Oh, Okay then. I hope you have good luck finding one that is. <3 And I thought you meant hardcore Mary sue. Anyways, The Mizo Princess name is just a nickname/petname of course; because Akkun is the leader of the group and the main character childhood friend from a flashback. And Akkun is a yandere love interest; of course he would give them a sweet petname. But that just my theory. An individual don't need a reason or be stereotyped to be called a princess (nickname/petname).