Convo is so dry rn, I'm tempted to make fluff or angst hcs but for now, have ame baking
K so for some random ass reason, ame decides to wake up at 3 am and immediately heads down to the kitchen. After staring at the wall for like half an hour, he finally gets the idea and motivation to bake smth.
He rummages the entire kitchen and gathers everything he'd need to bake and contemplates whether it's enough or not. Eventually he decides it's fine and if it's not enough he can just send sm1 out to get it for him.
I di NOT know how to bake, nor do I know the process so uhhh, time skip
This byatch decided to bake cookies and yk what comes out? Round, HOLLOW cookies. Like they're so round that they could be confused as macaroons. Now obvi he's getting frustrated, concerned and confused but as a last minute save, he started making like, cream, idk, the ones you decorate cakes with (FROSTING????)
He makes like, 3 diff flavors of them(choco, vanilla, strawberry) and after all that he makes like an incision on the side of the cookies and just, idk, inserts the fillings inside till it's full? He does that with the remaining ones(he made 2 trezen (13, I forgot the word for 13 bcz 12 is dozen)), and after, with the remaining fillings he, decorates most of the cookies.
Then he idk, keeps them in a warm place bcz god it'll be cold later. Rus soon wakes up like, 2 hours after he finished(ame woke up at 3, spent 2hrs baking so rus would wake up at 7) and is surprised when he sees ame in an apron slumped over the island counter, sleeping.
Rus shakes him awake and after all that, ame decides to show his masterpiece to him.
"I'm more impressed with the fact the kitchen isn't in flames than the cookies itself,"
"yeah, I'm so good,"
"Don't get too full of yourself,"
Then they end up on the couch cuddling whilst rus plays with his hair.
Also btw, this is married au