@Pups_Me Oh god I Know how hard that can be if you ever need to talk to someone message me, it will get better keep on going I have been through something similar if you need advice or even someone to talk to I am here for you.<3
having a mental breakdown today bc I coldn't sleep well last night, I'm reallyy sick but today I have my exam and its also my last day of school. My whole body hurts and I barely know about my exam, now I'm crying ;-;
@Pups_Me np love you bestie<3 ( also i am crazy I swear and I am funny I love skz meme and Inconie lines and I must likely Wil call you bitch,honey, besit, love , weirdo and othere but that is part of my love language) ♡♡♡
@Pups_Me i get how you feel I am slowly becoming Chan ( isnomia is back ) and I have to fit 2 years of school in 1 so that not cool also my anzixty is shit so I get you but keep pushing throw you can do It I know you can if you need to talk I am here for you real free to rememder you got this