
Hi guys xox
          	So i'm sorry for not posting for so long, i've had alot on these past few years but i will be making a new wattpad account and doing a few new stories over there, I will be taking a few stories down and transferring the ones which i feel i actually did alright on, I'll leave this account up but this is a note that it will possibly remain inactive for a long time unless i feel like continuing a few longer stories. Sorry to those who liked and read my stories, i'll get better on my new account i swear xD I'll link it into here when i make it.
          	Bye guys, Thanks for voting, commenting and adding my stories to your reading lists, it means alot to me xoxox


Hi guys xox
          So i'm sorry for not posting for so long, i've had alot on these past few years but i will be making a new wattpad account and doing a few new stories over there, I will be taking a few stories down and transferring the ones which i feel i actually did alright on, I'll leave this account up but this is a note that it will possibly remain inactive for a long time unless i feel like continuing a few longer stories. Sorry to those who liked and read my stories, i'll get better on my new account i swear xD I'll link it into here when i make it.
          Bye guys, Thanks for voting, commenting and adding my stories to your reading lists, it means alot to me xoxox


Hey everyone,
          Sorry for being inactive fuo sooooo longg I was busy with loads of school stuff and when I finished school last months I was tied up with other things at home. My wattpad messed up saying some already published stuff isn't on there so i'm republishing some already up stuff so that's why its regoing up. I'll try and be more active and update more as I really want to finish a story i've been doing for awhile now ^.^
          Thankyou if you still read my stuff and wait for updates 


Hey guys!
          So, seeing as I haven't posted much for the last few months, I'm going to make a effort to post every Wednesday and Saturday, but if I'm quite a few chapters ahead of one story there will be posts inbetween:) I'm mainly going to try and finish my story about the Shields Adopted Daughter, as I know it is going to be a lot of chapters and where I planned to be where I satarted isn't where I am, so I'm going to make a effort to post more of that.
          By the way, thankyou to anyone who reads my stories and votes/comments on them, I reall appricate it and I do look at any feedback I get x


Hi guys, sorry I've hardly updated recently, I've been revising for my exams a lot. I'll try and update the adopted daughter of the shield tonight or tomorrow I promise. Also, I might not be doing any one shots till I've update TADOTS.  Thank you for the 1K reads on it!:)


Hey everyone.
          well, I've done it. We'll Find You. is done:-) feel free to check it out if you wish, any feedback is appreciated. Thankyou to those people who have voted and commented on it, and please do not kill me at school tomorrow @TurtleHugger7 and @Lucewood


@RomanEmpire010301 i will make no such promise


Hey guys, so I posted another part for my book called We'll Find you. It is only two parts from finishing, so if you give me a few more hours, you'll have the rest and another complete book. I hope you do like it, and please comment on it and let me know what you think of it so I know.
          I'll post another update when it's complete, thankyou if you do read it :-) x