
Today at 9 pm, Pope Francis calls everyone, no matter where you are, who you are, everyol or no Creed or religion, to a moment of recollection, meditation, prayer, for the healing of the world. The whole planet United in prayer. If you can forward this, please join us in urgent prayer. Join this prayer chain and let's pray for the whole world. Please pass this on to your friends. 


I hope you don't mind me following. I saw you do covers so I wanted to keep in contact if I ever do need one.


@SkyDragonHeaven That's so awesome!!!!


@ladywolf1979 Cool, thank you so much! Also I apologize, I began making covers in high school so it's honestly super outdated lol. I have new programs and much more experience. Please feel free to reach out and thanks for taking interest!!!


Today at 9 pm, Pope Francis calls everyone, no matter where you are, who you are, everyol or no Creed or religion, to a moment of recollection, meditation, prayer, for the healing of the world. The whole planet United in prayer. If you can forward this, please join us in urgent prayer. Join this prayer chain and let's pray for the whole world. Please pass this on to your friends. 


hey just wondering
          i think we have a mutual (online) friend - Tony - and i was wondering if youve talked to him lately
          i havent seen anything from him since october 2018 and yeah i guess sometimes i find myself looking for him??
          anyway if you have id appreciate you telling me 


I want to follow you but you have 669 followers.
          WHAT DO I DO!?


The joke is that u have 69 in your followers and I didn’t want to ruin it. Ima follow u tho-


We need to pull together for the Jewish community. We need to stand up- everyone, Jewish or not, simply because we're people. They're people who need support. We need to stand with them and show the terrorists that we as PEOPLE are going to stand for other people.
          People above being a different religion. People above being a different ethnicity or gender. People just like you, and just like me. Disharmony and fighting brings nothing but pain and hate. If things like MLP and Steven Universe and Marvel have taught me anything, it's that you need a team.
          And that team can be ANYONE. My aethiest boyfriend is standing with me simply because he wants to support me. He believes killing people over their religion is wrong. He may not share their religious beliefs, but he shares the bigger belief that they are fellow PEOPLE. I have many Jewish family members in NY and NJ, including 3 cousins, one 10, and 2 are 6. People sharing a common belief are powerful. It's how movements start. But people who are different but band together because they see themselves in each other BEYOND their differences are special. That's what makes the magic. The friendship. And right now, these people need friends. I'm going to my family's Hanukkah family in NY and should something happen...I plan to stand. And I'll stand alone if I have to, but I know my weaknesses and that I freeze up in moments. I need a team.


I want to make this happen SO badly- for us as people to stand up for everything we love in REAL life but I'm not sure how. I know I have to do things like contact the NYPD, gather allies, but I'm just so much a Fluttershy with these things, I don't even know where to begin! Please pm me if you would like to start thanking your fandoms. The creative TEAMS OF PEOPLE behind these fandoms pour so much into their work. Let's give them a chance to watch the show. A show created by us and inspired by them. 


I may be naive or just plain stupid, but something has to be done. By us. By the community. We can't stand by and let PEOPLE die. Not with the magic that is friendship on our side. We've seen what it can do.
            Now is the time to use it. Repost or comment I guess, or pm me if you're interested at all in helping me take all of learned to save my family and friends as peacefully as possible. People like people and we are made of love.e can do this. Together. Let's gather everything our fandoms have taught us about love and equality and togetherness and put it use. This is why these things were created- what makes them so powerful. If we follow our characters examples then we can make change. I'm GOING to NY some point in January. We can talk about togetherness and standing all we want, but I'm going to actually go. We write about things all the time. Now's the chance to actually DO them. Harry Potter never could have defeated Voldemort without the rest of Hogwarts helping him. Thanos would have killed Captain America if Dr. Strange hadn't opened those portals of allies. Disney movies literally CANNOT even start to exist without a full team of approvals. Wattpad and fanfictions themselves wouldn't even be a THING if groups of people weren't attracted to them. 
            I get it. Hatred is powerful. It will ALWAYS be here. And put it down. Hate will ALWAYS be a thing we ALL have to combat, so the least we can do is make it easier on EVERYONE by fighting it TOGETHER. I am NOT a leader. I can barely even gather the courage to call a waiter in a restaurant. I need help.
            Everyone is connected. Even if you aren't part of something, there's a high chance someone you know or someone they know and beyond is. Our own hatred and misunderstanding is destroying us. And we'll continue to let it happen. It always will, but we can always band together. That's how beautiful things like Wattpad begin


Anyone interested in doing a Frozen rp? Frozen 2 has reminded me of why I fell in love with these girls in the first place. 


@SkyDragonHeaven i haven't seen the second movie, but i'm totally down for the first one 


Anyone interested in doing a Big Hero 6 rp? If so, please pm me! I've just gotten into the series and I need some rp- STAT! 


@SkyDragonHeaven Ah, ok, I'm actually not sure. Do you wanna just do it on my oc page? I could tag u