StrangestGeekEver this is going to be the new Radiance. I worked it's a better story line than Radiance. Sorry guys! But I guarantee this one will not be a failure. ADSPS is still in works same as the fan fiction. 


@LokiOfAsgard I will be rewriting Radiance at some point, not sure about Trapped In a Storm because it was over something that I've come to realize isn't a good reason to write about :3 Sorry about that though! But Radiance will be back once I've finished the fan fic and the ADSPS(Artemis' Daughter Seeks Poseidon's Son) <3


Haven't uploaded for about a day, but tomorrow I'll be getting my normal internet back on so it'll be better and I've gone back to school today as well and it's an important year with lots of exams too. So updates won't be much but when they are they will be worth the wait.