
I’ve gained access to my account once again…finally! So, I am about to remake the cover to “My Bestfriends Brother then work on the next chapter. 
          	I’m sorry for the lack of communication but I’m back now. 


                  ***HERE IS A SNEAK PEEK! ENJOY!***
          He was definitely drunk. 
          She had no idea how much he'd had to drink, but it had to have been a lot. She'd just gotten to the party after Jake, his best friend, called her and begged her to come and pick him up. Hed tried Liza, but she wasn't answering, so she was the only other person he knew who would come out this late to get him.
          "Thank you, Maggie, so much." Jake thanked her.
          "Yeah, help me get him to the car." She groaned as she wrapped his right arm around the back of her neck and wrapped her left arm around his waist.
          As they walked over to her candy apple red Subaru Crosstrek, Maggie wrinkled her nose at how strong he smelled of alcohol. This was one of the reasons she rarely drank. The smell always made her stomach turn. 
          Once they got Jensen into the car and secured in nice and tight, Jake turned to Maggie. 
          "Again, thank you. I wish I didn't have to wake you up and drag you out of bed." He said as he looked her up and down.
          She was currently dressed in a red silk gown with matching slippers. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head and she looked tired yet sexy as hell.
          "You're welcome, but next time call his parents. I had a long day and the last thing I wanted to do was crawl out of my very soft and warm bed to pick up a drunken Jensen Davidson." She stated.
          "Okay. It won't happen again." Jake said.
          "Good. I'll see you around." She said and walked over to the driver side. "No drinking amd driving. If you have to...sleep in your car."
          "You got it. Good night, MJ."
          Once she was in the car and buckled in, she pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the dark and crowded street. She took a big breath and let it out before casting a drunkenly passed out Jensen.......