
Someone talk to meeeeeee


Sup my fellow weirdos. I got an eleven year old hand me down laptop from my mom. So now I have my own laptop but sometimes it's freaking slow and it pisses me off when I'm trying to watch Voltron. (Season 8 blew my mind, go watch it if u need too cause ya do.)  But my mom deleted everything on this computer before giving it to me so now it works faster but it still sucks sometimes. Anyways have a good life and don't do drugs.


Sup man
          It's tenura
          My account was banned 


@i_like_tordles I *clap* feel *clap* like *clap* a *clap* piece *clap* of *clap* crap but thx for asking tho


ye im managing, thanks tho
            hbu uwu


@i_like_tordles Yeah Ikr I hope ur doing good tho


Hey everyone! sorry I've been off of Wattpad. I haven't been in the best mental state recently, and that's just short for I'm depressed and stressed out. aNyWaY, The next chapter in my TomTord one-shots will be released soon! My art book will go on a break, but thank you all for liking my terrible art! Like I said, the TomTord chapter will be released soon! Hope ya'll are having a better life then me. Kay bye.


Guys, really scary things are happening....
          1.) George Floyd - An African American man who was murdered by corrupt officers. Please help the cause of finding him justice. Don’t stay silent because you’ll only be contributing to the problem. Speak out and use your voice to let people know that black lives matter.
          2.) Pride fall - The entire month of June (Pride Month), an organization called Operation Pridefall will be swarming social media (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) and posting explicit content of LGBTQ+ people to shine them in a bad light. Please protect yourself by making all social media private, taking your sexuality and age off, disabling Direct Messaging, and disabling tagging in posts. Do not click on any links from people you do not know personally. They plan to also kidnap, murder, and/or rape members of the LGBTQ+ community, so stay safe!
          3.) Symbol - A symbol has been going around, mainly on Instagram and Twitter, that’s usually in a profile’s username or bio. I can’t show it, but if you see this, block and report the account immediately. They are commonly seen on fan-cam pages. The video will be normal at first (a band/artist singing or dancing onstage), but then it will switch to someone shooting themselves, hanging, etc. Do not associate yourself with these people. They will also message you and ask, “what do you fear?” Do not reply at all. Don’t even try to be funny about it. They can hack into your account, steal your information, and they’ve been threatening to kidnap/murder people. They can get ahold of your phone number and address, so be cautious when messaging people you aren’t familiar with.
          This is from @MisakaAckerman908 profile, and I copied and pasted to let you all know!!! Please stay safe uwu ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for that! But we still have to be careful cause I wouldn’t be surprised if some homophobic idiots  started this....


Are you sure...? It seems like people are already starting. I saw some stuff on tumblr and Twitter...But let’s hope it never happens! @_TomTord_Shipper_15


There's a really bad thunderstorm going on with a whole lot a lighting spoopy but not really cause I live in The Sunshine State and we have hurricanes every year soooo .-. Ye HOLY CRAP A LOT OF LIGHTING FLASHED RN HOLY SPRUCE-