hey all. it feels like forever since i even looked at this old account, but here i am again, back at it w/ the reader-inserts. yandere in flavor, now, but hopefully just as good.
for those who remember me from the experiment days, hey, what's up? how've you been, friend-o? doing okay? drinking plenty of water? it's been a while, hasn't it?
to the new ppl who've found me b/c of the stories i write now, hey, it's nice to meet you. i'm glad what i write interests you.
updates on me: i'm in college now. i don't have a lot of time to write, but i do when i can, and when i do they're usually oc yandere reader-inserts. all of my old works have been unpublished (yes, this includes experiment) but i don't think i'll ever fully delete them. it's fun to look back sometimes, to read what i wrote during the height of my edgelord phase.
if you want to chat, i recommend messaging me over on quotev (@.Turquoise54), where i am ten times as active as i am here. i've also published more stories over on that site than i have here, but i might move them over eventually. who knows.
anyway, that's all i wanted to say. i wish you all a wonderful day. buh-bye.