
The Fanfic will be posted today. 9/22/14. :)


          	  It's up. 6:24 central time.


Hi! Ur a One Piece lover too!! That's great!! I luv Chopper and Zolo! Well actually I don't have an all time fave but those r the main two. I think.


Thanks!!! :)


I'd like to first address that Yes, I will be continuing this.I will be starting production on this fanfiction crossover project very soon. Right now I am wrapping up the first part arc of my book Spite and when I wrote this first chapter of this fanfic I was on chapter 3 of Spite. Now I just uploaded chapter 8. Once the arc is done I will be releasing a chapter in OPoS and maybe some more, but  I imagine this arc (in spite) has a good 3 or 4 chapters left which will take some time to write. Let's just say that I am planning on releasing this in increments.Meaning releasing a few chapters in a close range of time then working on Spite, then coming back to it. 
          If you want, Spite, is now a lot better developed than it had been when i First uploaded this chapter of OPoS and you can go check it out. It's pretty epic. Spite is on my main site PoeticJustice2321.
           If you type in spite in search it should be on the first page, towards the bottom.
          I'll let you know when I start writing it. I will also let you know in advance when I will be uploading.