
Just a reminder that entries/scores/sponsorships will be up tomorrow. Task Two will still be due on Saturday.


@MusicaMelody @AverageEverydayHero @ariel-lannister @Frostlapse @TheCatKing @FabulouslyNerdy13 @SilverAndGoldfish @ImpossiblyFiery @-celestial- @FrankieWritesBooks @ElfOfResilience @paddy97coolpink @Mormon4life @ally_oshea_xoxo @GeneticallyUnpure 
          Hey, uh... surprise.
          So, five and a half years ago, I abandoned Family Matters. Why? I can't exactly remember. If I had to guess, life probably just got in the way. I don't know why I never posted an update to say that the games were closed. Maybe part of me thought I would go back.
          Well, I can no longer access the account! I think I deleted the email at some point, so no dice. Still, I was getting nostalgic and thought I'd post on here. How's everyone's life? Are Author Games still a thing? Do you do them? Or have you moved on? I know some of these accounts are gone, but I thought I'd tag everyone just in case. 
          Personally, I made the jump from Wattpad to Archive of our Own. I post on there when I can actually write a fic. (MusicallyCalm if anyone's interested, haha). I'm 19 now and in college. It's crazy to think that when I hosted these things, I was 13-14. Life's crazy, time flies. 
          I will forever be grateful for the time I had on here. I found my niche in Author Games and writing probably bad stories and it was fun. Who knows, maybe if I get inspiration and I have time, maybe I'll try another Games.
          Until then, this has been Alexandra. Thanks for the fun, guys. :)


@GeekGamingBooks @AverageEverydayHero @Frostlapse @TheCatKing @SilverAndGoldfish @-celestial- @ElfOfResilience @Mormon4life @ally_oshea_xoxo @GeneticallyUnpure @RebellionAuthor
          The deadline for entries (and forms) is in nine hours, four minutes. I have gotten exactly four entries. I will take extension requests until five hours before the deadline. Keep in mind that these are twelve hour extensions. 
          Since tomorrow is Mother's Day, my family is visiting my grandmother. Posting of scores, sponsorships, and the next task will be delayed slightly.
          May the odds be ever in your favour.


@WeAreTheGamemakers Cancel my reservations. I can't handle my schedule :(


This is it!
          @MusicaMelody @AverageEverydayHero @ariel-lannister @Frostlapse @TheCatKing @FabulouslyNerdy13 @SilverAndGoldfish @ImpossiblyFiery @-celestial- @FrankieWritesBooks @ElfOfResilience @paddy97coolpink @Mormon4life @ally_oshea_xoxo @GeneticallyUnpure 
          I'm not sure if anyone has read the messages on my board, but we are starting Author Games: Family Matters. TOMORROW, May 1st.
          I get back from school around 3:00 EST, and I might have a part posted (Rule stuff) around 3:45-4:00. Expect a task by 4:45 PM EST/9:45 PM BST/1:45 PM PST.
          We still have spots open! There are eight tributes left, so if you want another tribute, you need to have your form and task for them submitted by the first task's deadline.
          I'm looking forward to another lovely Games with everyone. May the odds be ever in your favour.


@WeAreTheGamemakers ... Some weeks, I'll only have from Monday to Thursday. Man, that's a bummer.


@ElfOfResilience Probably a week or so. I'm going to try to have my deadlines on Saturdays so I can have the task up on Sundays. This first task is an exception. I am willing to give extensions, though.