
Hello. This is Argos Sal’s irl friend. I’m sorry to say he has….recently pass away. Suicide took him.


I just got back from my sister-in-law’s father funeral I didn’t know him that well tbh (imma post this on my other acc)


@Your_local_gay_bish oh well rip even though you didn’t know him well at least you were there for your sister/in-law


          I need a hug….


this message may be offensive
          I hated today kinda but at least I got a big ass donut, a stone of my birthstone, and a picture with BeetleJuice and during the Tour of the Universal Studios someone had their light on when we can’t have it during a like action movie and my feet hurt as fuck and oh boi the line for the Mario ride was HALF AN HOUR AND MY FEET FUCKING HURT AND THE RIDE WAS SHORT AS FUCK! AND WE ONLY HAD ONE ROUND!