
My name is Nevlyn.

what I like: (about youuuu is you hold me tightttt)

•Dan Howell
•Phil Lester
•Nightcore type music.
•The Internet

what I dislike:

•Fake people.
•most vegetables
•the people who think their cool
•anyone who hates Phan, 5Sos, or anyone that doesn't like MDE

Favourite songs:
•Gotta Get Out - 5Sos
•Heartbreak Girl - 5Sos
•2009 - Phan
•2022 - Phan
•2012 - Phan
•Long Distance Love - Phan
•VooDoo Doll - 5Sos
•What I like about you - 5Sos
•She's kinda Hot - 5Sos

If you need someone to talk to PM me! I'll reply when I can (-: byeee
  • Up Your Ass♥
  • انضمApril 1, 2016


قصة بقلم Ashton Af
Wrong Number بقلم _AkakonuIwini_
Wrong Number
I never thought I would find Dan Howells number..
+6 أكثر